Dual melanocortin-4 receptor and GLP-1 receptor agonism amplifies metabolic benefits in diet-induced obese mice

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  • Clemmensen, Christoffer
  • Brian Finan
  • Katrin Fischer
  • Robby Zachariah Tom
  • Beata Legutko
  • Laura Sehrer
  • Daniela Heine
  • Niklas Grassl
  • Carola W Meyer
  • Bart Henderson
  • Susanna M Hofmann
  • Matthias H Tschöp
  • Lex H T Van der Ploeg
  • Timo D Müller

We assessed the efficacy of simultaneous agonism at the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) and the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) for the treatment of obesity and diabetes in rodents. Diet-induced obese (DIO) mice were chronically treated with either the long-acting GLP-1R agonist liraglutide, the MC4R agonist RM-493 or a combination of RM-493 and liraglutide. Co-treatment of DIO mice with RM-493 and liraglutide improves body weight loss and enhances glycemic control and cholesterol metabolism beyond what can be achieved with either mono-therapy. The superior metabolic efficacy of this combination therapy is attributed to the anorectic and glycemic actions of both drugs, along with the ability of RM-493 to increase energy expenditure. Interestingly, compared to mice treated with liraglutide alone, hypothalamic Glp-1r expression was higher in mice treated with the combination therapy after both acute and chronic treatment. Further, RM-493 enhanced hypothalamic Mc4r expression. Hence, co-dosing with MC4R and GLP-1R agonists increases expression of each receptor, indicative of minimized receptor desensitization. Together, these findings suggest potential opportunities for employing combination treatments that comprise parallel MC4R and GLP-1R agonism for the treatment of obesity and diabetes.

TidsskriftEMBO Molecular Medicine
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)288-98
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2015

ID: 186640302