DNA damage-induced Def1-RNA polymerase II interaction and Def1 requirement for polymerase ubiquitylation in vitro

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UV-induced DNA damage results in ubiquitylation and degradation of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). In yeast, this requires the DEF1 gene, the product of which forms a complex with the transcription-coupling repair factor, Rad26. However, whether Defl is directly involved in RNAPII ubiquitylation has remained unclear. Here we report the establishment of a reconstituted system for studying UV-induced RNAPII ubiquitylation, which mimics the known requirements for this process in vitro. Using this system, we show that Defl is indeed directly required for RNAPII ubiquitylation. Moreover, Defl interacts with RNAPII in a damage-dependent manner. These results support a model in which Defl interacts with RNAPII in response to DNA damage, recruiting the ubiquitylation machinery to enable its modification and subsequent degradation.

TidsskriftJournal of Biological Chemistry
Udgave nummer29
Sider (fra-til)29875-29878
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 16 jul. 2004
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 331040745