Disease trends in a young Chinese cohort according to fecal metagenome and plasma metabolites

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  • Jie, Zhuye
  • Suisha Liang
  • Qiuxia Ding
  • Fei Li
  • Xiaohuan Sun
  • Yuxiang Lin
  • Peishan Chen
  • Kaiye Cai
  • Hongcheng Zhou
  • Haorong Lu
  • Xiaohan Wang
  • Tao Zhang
  • Liang Xiao
  • Huanming Yang
  • Jian Wang
  • Yong Hou
  • Kristiansen, Karsten
  • Huijue Jia
  • Xun Xu

Most of the disease studies for the gut microbiome have collected cases and control samples from the elderly or the middle-aged. Despite general interest in microbiome health, it is not known how microbial biomarkers from metagenome-wide association studies (MWAS) would perform in a cohort of young individuals, who would be largely free of chronic diseases, as well as medication. Here we analyze high-depth fecal metagenomic shotgun sequencing for 2183 healthy adults with clinical parameters, diet, lifestyle, and metabolite measurements. We provide the first set of large-scale evidence for gut microbiome dysbiosis in hyperuricemia, which relates to meat intake. We build a cardiometabolic disease risk model based on gut microbes for initial screening in a young population and confirm the validity using external cohorts. Fecal bacteria that have been reported to be enriched in colorectal cancer (CRC) are found to correlate with methylhistidines, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), aromatic amino acids and glutamic acid in these young individuals, which were validated by an additional cohort of 1404 individuals. Our comprehensive data suggest that the gut microbiome could show trends towards diseases years before onset, and the results lay the foundation for the design of larger screens for cardiometabolic diseases and CRC with clinically meaningful cutoffs.

TidsskriftMedicine in Microecology
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was funded by the Guangdong key areas R&D projects , China (No. 2019B020229003 ). The authors are very grateful to colleagues at BGI-Shenzhen and China National Genebank (CNGB), Shenzhen for sample collection, DNA extraction, library construction, sequencing, and discussions. We thank Dr. Qiang Sun (University of Toronto), our colleagues Chen Chen and Yanmei Ju, Jinghua Wu for helpful comments.

Funding Information:
This study was funded by the Guangdong key areas R&D projects, China (No. 2019B020229003). The authors are very grateful to colleagues at BGI-Shenzhen and China National Genebank (CNGB), Shenzhen for sample collection, DNA extraction, library construction, sequencing, and discussions. We thank Dr. Qiang Sun (University of Toronto), our colleagues Chen Chen and Yanmei Ju, Jinghua Wu for helpful comments.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Author(s)

ID: 288656032