Developmental cascades of social inhibition and friendships in preterm and full-term children

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Friendships are crucial to children's socioemotional development and quality of life. Children born preterm (<37 weeks gestation) have an increased risk for social relationship difficulties, including fewer friends, but the mechanisms underlying the link between lower gestational age and fewer friendships are not clear. The prospective Bavarian Longitudinal Study investigated potential cascading effects on N = 1,181 children's friendships at 8 years. Path modelling indicated that higher gestational age predicted good early parent–infant relationship quality, good inhibitory control, and higher friendship scores. Good parent–infant relationship quality predicted good inhibitory control, which subsequently predicted low social inhibition at 6 years and higher friendship scores at 8 years. There is evidence of cascading effects from gestational age to early parent–infant relationships, to toddlers' inhibitory control, and to social inhibition, which partially explain differences in children's friendships at 8 years of age. Highlights: Preterm children are at risk for social problems and fewer friends, but the mechanisms underlying this risk are not known. Path modelling showed that gestational age predicted good early parent–infant relationship and inhibitory control, which subsequently predicted low social inhibition and higher friendship scores. Cascading effects from gestational age to parent–infant relationships, to inhibitory control, and to social inhibition partially explain differences in friendships at 8 years.

TidsskriftInfant and Child Development
Udgave nummer6
StatusUdgivet - 1 nov. 2019
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank all Bavarian Longitudinal Study group members, paediatricians, psychologists, and research nurses and those who contributed to study organization, recruitment, and data collection. We especially thank the study participants and their families. Data collection and preparation were supported by grants PKE24, JUG14, 01EP9504, and 01ER0801 from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.

ID: 393160433