Determination of Slow-Binding HDAC Inhibitor Potency and Subclass Selectivity

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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) 1–3 regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. These three enzymes are targets for cancer chemotherapy and have been studied for the treatment of immune disorders and neurodegeneration, but there is a lack of selective pharmacological tool compounds to unravel their individual roles. Potent inhibitors of HDACs 1–3 often display slow-binding kinetics, which causes a delay in inhibitor–enzyme equilibration and may affect assay readout. Here we compare the potencies and selectivities of slow-binding inhibitors measured by discontinuous and continuous assays. We find that entinostat, a clinical candidate, inhibits HDACs 1–3 by a two-step slow-binding mechanism with lower potencies than previously reported. In addition, we show that RGFP966, commercialized as an HDAC3-selective probe, is a slow-binding inhibitor with inhibitor constants of 57, 31, and 13 nM against HDACs 1–3, respectively. These data highlight the need for thorough kinetic investigation in the development of selective HDAC probes.
TidsskriftACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)779-785
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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