Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey

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  • Louise Rose
  • Bronagh Blackwood
  • Egerod, Ingrid Eugenie
  • Hege Selnes Haugdahl
  • José Hofhuis
  • Michael Isfort
  • Kalliopi Kydonaki
  • Maria Schubert
  • Riccardo Sperlinga
  • Peter Spronk
  • Sissel Storli
  • Daniel F McAuley
  • Marcus J Schultz
Optimal management of mechanical ventilation and weaning requires dynamic and collaborative decision making to minimize complications and avoid delays in the transition to extubation. In the absence of collaboration, ventilation decision making may be fragmented, inconsistent, and delayed. Our objective was to describe the professional group with responsibility for key ventilation and weaning decisions and to examine organizational characteristics associated with nurse involvement.
TidsskriftCritical Care (Online Edition)
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)R295
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2011

ID: 40227293