De første danske erfaringer med det mobile stofindtagelsesrum

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  • Anna Karin Irene Axelsson
  • Frank Hvam
  • Maria Bonde
  • Michael Lodberg Olsen
  • Emil Kiørboe
  • Ole Hoff-Lund
  • Marianne Abildgaard
  • Iversen, Kasper
Intravenous drug abuse is a major health concern. The National Board of Health estimates the number of injecting drug users (IDUs) in Denmark to be 13,000. Supervised injecting facilities (SIF) reduce the risk behaviour and bacterial infections and also increase the rate of detoxification and access to health care. The first SIF in Denmark is driven by volunteers and it opened in September 2011. In the first six months there were 1,139 visits. As in earlier studies the IDUs were mainly males with a long history of drug use. Unlike in previously published studies cocaine was the most commonly injected drug.
Bidragets oversatte titelThe initial experience in supervised injecting facilities in Denmark
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer39
Sider (fra-til)2286-9
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 48469161