Cruciferous Vegetable Intake and Bulky DNA Damage within Non-Smokers and Former Smokers in the Gen-Air Study (EPIC Cohort)

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  • Marco Peluso
  • Armelle Munnia
  • Valentina Russo
  • Andrea Galli
  • Valeria Pala
  • Yvonne T. van der Schouw
  • Matthias B. Schulze
  • Elisabete Weiderpass
  • Rosario Tumino
  • Calogero Saieva
  • Amiano Exezarreta Pilar
  • Dagfinn Aune
  • Alicia K. Heath
  • Elom Aglago
  • Antonio Agudo
  • Salvatore Panico
  • Kristina Elin Nielsen Petersen
  • Lluis Cirera
  • Miguel Rodriguez-Barranco
  • Verena Katzke
  • Rudolf Kaaks
  • Fulvio Ricceri
  • Lorenzo Milani
  • Paolo Vineis
  • Carlotta Sacerdote

Epidemiologic studies have indicated that cruciferous vegetables can influence the cancer risk; therefore, we examined with a cross-sectional approach the correlation between the frequent consumption of the total cruciferous vegetables and the formation of bulky DNA damage, a biomarker of carcinogen exposure and cancer risk, in the Gen-Air study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. DNA damage measurements were performed in the peripheral blood of 696 of those apparently healthy without cancer controls, including 379 never-smokers and 317 former smokers from seven European countries by the P-32-postlabeling assay. In the Gen-Air controls, the median intake of cruciferous vegetables was 6.16 (IQR 1.16-13.66) g/day, ranging from 0.37 (IQR 0-6.00) g/day in Spain to 11.34 (IQR 6.02-16.07) g/day in the UK. Based on this information, participants were grouped into: (a) high consumers (>20 g/day), (b) medium consumers (3-20 g/day) and (c) low consumers (

Udgave nummer12
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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ID: 312960734