Considerations and priorities for incorporating the patient perspective on remission in rheumatoid arthritis: An OMERACT 2020 special interest group report

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  • Bethan Jones
  • Caroline A. Flurey
  • Susanna Proudman
  • Ricardo J.O. Ferreira
  • Marieke Voshaar
  • Wijnanda Hoogland
  • Hema Chaplin
  • Niti Goel
  • Catherine Hill
  • Bindee Kuriya
  • Kate Mather
  • Linda Rasch
  • Beverley Shea
  • Jasvinder A. Singh
  • Josef S. Smolen
  • Jose AP da Silva
  • Savia de Souza
  • Tanja Stamm
  • Paul Studenic
  • Maarten de Wit
  • Peter Tugwell
  • Maarten Boers

Objective: To determine how best to incorporate the patient perspective into rheumatoid arthritis remission criteria. Methods: At OMERACT 2020, several studies, including a longitudinal multi-centre study testing the validity of adding patient-valued domains to the ACR/EULAR criteria, were presented and discussed by the virtual Special Interest Group. Results: Overall consensus was that there is insufficient evidence to change the remission criteria at this point. Future work should focus on measurement of the new domain of independence, clarifying the value of the patient global assessment, and optimizing the input of domains that patients value in the criteria. Conclusion: Incorporating the patient perspective into remission criteria should be further explored.

TidsskriftSeminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)1108-1112
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
None. The authors would like to thank the patients who have participated in all of the group's work on remission to date. The members of the OMERACT Remission in RA: Patient Perspective Working Group who have contributed to the continual development of this work not listed as co-authors: Cecilie Heegaard Brahe, Catia Duarte, Laure Gossec, Martina Durechova, Victor Sloan, Dirkjan van Shaardenburg, and George Wells. Kiera Shaughnessy for administrative support to produce the manuscript. We would also like to thank all who participated in our OMERACT 2020 virtual SIG session, and the OMERACT executive and secretariat for their ongoing support of this work, particularly Shawna Grosskleg for administrative support.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Inc.

ID: 275774986