Chromosome-scale genomes of commercial timber trees (Ochroma pyramidale, Mesua ferrea, and Tectona grandis)

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  • Sunil Kumar Sahu
  • Min Liu
  • Yewen Chen
  • Jinshan Gui
  • Dongming Fang
  • Xiaoli Chen
  • Ting Yang
  • Chengzhong He
  • Le Cheng
  • Jinlong Yang
  • Durgesh Nandini Sahu
  • Linzhou Li
  • Hongli Wang
  • Weixue Mu
  • Jinpu Wei
  • Jie Liu
  • Yuxian Zhao
  • Shouzhou Zhang
  • Xin Liu
  • Xun Xu
  • Laigeng Li
  • Sibo Wang
Wood is the most important natural and endlessly renewable source of energy. Despite the ecological and economic importance of wood, many aspects of its formation have not yet been investigated. We performed chromosome-scale genome assemblies of three timber trees (Ochroma pyramidale, Mesua ferrea, and Tectona grandis) which exhibit different wood properties such as wood density, hardness, growth rate, and fiber cell wall thickness. The combination of 10X, stLFR, Hi-Fi sequencing and HiC data led us to assemble high-quality genomes evident by scaffold N50 length of 55.97 Mb (O. pyramidale), 22.37 Mb (M. ferrea) and 14.55 Mb (T. grandis) with >97% BUSCO completeness of the assemblies. A total of 35774, 24027, and 44813 protein-coding genes were identified in M. ferrea, T. grandis and O. pyramidale, respectively. The data generated in this study is anticipated to serve as a valuable genetic resource and will promote comparative genomic analyses, and it is of practical importance in gaining a further understanding of the wood properties in non-model woody species.
TidsskriftScientific Data
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by Major Science and Technology Projects of Yunnan Province (Digitalization, development and application of biotic resource, 202002AA100007), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB27020104). This work is part of the 10KP project ( is also supported by China National GeneBank (CNGB;

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, Springer Nature Limited.

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