Characteristics of exercise patterns in people with type 1 diabetes—insights from the Hedia diabetes assistant mobile app

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Regular Physical Activity (PA) is crucial for managing type 1 diabetes (T1D)1 and international guidelines recommend insulin dose reductions for PA.2 Incorporating these in daily life can be complex and adherence is low, with glucose fluctuations and exercise-induced hypoglycemia being important barriers.3

Hedia Diabetes Assistant (HDA, manufactured by Hedia ApS, Denmark) is an insulin bolus calculator app based on the aforementioned international guidelines.2

This study presents a cross-sectional analysis of self-reported data from HDA users, describing exercises performed by people with T1D and comparing characteristics between those who used the PA module and those who did not.

Users with T1D were included from the HDA database (01/01-2019 to 30/07-2023) if they were ≥18 years old, consented to data use (explicit, retractable consent in the app), had ≥ five insulin calculations the first week, and 3 weeks of active use (one calculation per week in the first 3 weeks). Users were divided into a PA Group (≥10 calculations with PA) and a non-PA Group (no PA).

Non-parametric statistics were used. Continuous data was presented as medians (IQR) and categorical data as numbers (%). The threshold for statistical significance was <5% and statistical tests were two-sided.

From consenting 7495 users, 846 met the eligibility criteria and were stratified into a PA group (n = 289) and a non-PA group (n = 557).

Characteristics of the groups are listed in Table 1. Of note, the PA group consumed more carbohydrates (p < 0.001), had a higher insulin sensitivity factor (p < 0.001) and insulin-to-carb ratio (p = 0.001), and used the app longer (p < 0.001) with more daily calculations (p < 0.001).
TidsskriftDiabetic Medicine
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024

ID: 399729530