Cell-penetrating peptides as tools to enhance non-injectable delivery of biopharmaceuticals

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Non-injectable delivery of peptide and protein drugs is hampered by their labile nature, hydrophilicity, and large molecular size; thus limiting their permeation across mucosae, which represent major biochemical and physical barriers to drugs administered via e.g. the oral, nasal, and pulmonary routes. However, in recent years cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) have emerged as promising tools to enhance mucosal delivery of co-administered or conjugated peptide and protein cargo and more advanced CPP-cargo formulations are emerging. CPPs act as transepithelial delivery vectors, but the mechanism(s) by which CPPs mediate cargo translocation across an epithelium is so far poorly understood; both due to the fact that multiple factors influence the resulting uptake and trafficking mechanisms as well as to the complicated nature of sensitive studies of this. In addition to a proper mechanistic understanding, documentation of CPP-mediated delivery in higher animal species than rodent as well as extensive toxicological studies are necessary for CPP-containing non-injectable DDSs to reach the clinic.
TidsskriftTissue Barriers
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2016

ID: 164828215