Carbonate record of temporal change in oxygen fugacity and gaseous species in asteroid Ryugu

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  • Wataru Fujiya
  • Noriyuki Kawasaki
  • Kazuhide Nagashima
  • Naoya Sakamoto
  • Conel M. Conel
  • Noriko T. Kita
  • Kouki Kitajima
  • Yoshinari Abe
  • Jérôme Aléon
  • Sachiko Amari
  • Yuri Amelin
  • Ken-ichi Bajo
  • Audrey Bouvier
  • Richard W. Carlson
  • Marc Chaussidon
  • Byeon-Gak Choi
  • Nicolas Dauphas
  • Andrew M. Davis
  • Tommaso Di Rocco
  • Ryota Fukai
  • Ikshu Gautam
  • Makiko K. Haba
  • Yuki Hibiya
  • Hiroshi Hidaka
  • Hisashi Homma
  • Peter Hoppe
  • Gary R. Huss
  • Kiyohiro Ichida
  • Tsuyoshi Iizuka
  • Trevor R. Ireland
  • Akira Ishikawa
  • Shoichi Itoh
  • Thorsten Kleine
  • Shintaro Komatani
  • Alexander N. Krot
  • Ming-Chang Liu
  • Yuki Masuda
  • Kevin D. McKeegan
  • Mayu Morita
  • Kazuko Motomura
  • Frédéric Moynier
  • Izumi Nakai
  • Ann Nguyen
  • Larry Nittler
  • Morihiko Onose
  • Andreas Pack
  • Changkun Park
  • Laurette Piani
  • Liping Qin
  • Sara S. Russell
  • Maria Schönbächler
  • Lauren Tafla
  • Haolan Tang
  • Kentaro Terada
  • Yasuko Terada
  • Tomohiro Usui
  • Sohei Wada
  • Meenakshi Wadhwa
  • Richard J. Walker
  • Katsuyuki Yamashita
  • Qing-Zhu Yin
  • Tetsuya Yokoyama
  • Shigekazu Yoneda
  • Edward D. Young
  • Hiroharu Yui
  • Ai-Cheng Zhang
  • Tomoki Nakamura
  • Hiroshi Naraoka
  • Takaaki Noguchi
  • Ryuji Okazaki
  • Kanako Sakamoto
  • Hikaru Yabuta
  • Masanao Abe
  • Akiko Miyazaki
  • Aiko Nakato
  • Masahiro Nishimura
  • Tatsuaki Okada
  • Toru Yada
  • Kasumi Yogata
  • Satoru Nakazawa
  • Takanao Saiki
  • Satoshi Tanaka
  • Fuyuto Terui
  • Yuichi Tsuda
  • Sei-ichiro Watanabe
  • Makoto Yoshikawa
  • Shogo Tachibana
  • Hisayoshi Yurimoto

The Hayabusa2 spacecraft explored asteroid Ryugu and brought its surface materials to Earth. Ryugu samples resemble Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites—the most chemically primitive meteorites—and contain secondary phyllosilicates and carbonates, which are indicative of aqueous alteration. Understanding the conditions (such as temperature, redox state and fluid composition) during aqueous alteration is crucial to elucidating how Ryugu evolved to its present state, but little is known about the temporal changes in these conditions. Here we show that calcium carbonate (calcite) grains in Ryugu and Ivuna samples have variable 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios that are, respectively, 24–46‰ and 65–108‰ greater than terrestrial standard values, whereas those of calcium–magnesium carbonate (dolomite) grains are much more homogeneous, ranging within 31–36‰ for oxygen and 67–75‰ for carbon. We infer that the calcite precipitated first over a wide range of temperatures and oxygen partial pressures, and that the proportion of gaseous CO2/CO/CH4 molecules changed temporally. By contrast, the dolomite formed later in a more oxygen-rich and thus CO2-dominated environment when the system was approaching equilibrium. The characteristic isotopic compositions of secondary carbonates in Ryugu and Ivuna are not observed for other hydrous meteorites, suggesting a unique evolutionary pathway for their parent asteroid(s).

TidsskriftNature Geoscience
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)675-682
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank D. Rogers, M. Spicuzza and J. Valley for the preparation of carbonate standard materials for SIMS measurements and A. Tsuchiyama for discussion. Hayabusa2 was developed and built under the leadership of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), with contributions from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), and in collaboration with NASA, and other universities, institutes and companies in Japan. The curation system was developed by JAXA in collaboration with companies in Japan. This research was supported in part by the JSPS KAKENHI grant numbers 19H00725 (W.F.), 20K20934 (W.F. and T.N.) and 22K18722 (N.K.).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.

ID: 361583356