Applicability and intrarespondent reliability of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory in a random danish sample

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Purpose: To examine the applicability of US reference data from the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) in a random Danish sample and to assess intrarespondent reliability. Methods: The PEDI was administered as a mailed questionnaire that was completed by the parents. Linear regression models and comparisons of item difficulty were performed in the data analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficients were used in the intrarespondent analysis. Results: US and Danish children differed on 3 of the 6 subscales of the PEDI. Danish children had significantly lower scores on the caregiver assistance subscales (self-care and mobility) and significantly higher scores on the functional skills subscale (social function). Item difficulty was found to be comparable (r = 0.82-0.97) on all 6 subscales. Intrarespondent reliability was good (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.62-0.97). Conclusion: The PEDI reference values seem partly applicable in a Danish population. In a Danish rehabilitation setting, interpreting PEDI scores with regard to detecting functional delays must be done cautiously.

TidsskriftPediatric Physical Therapy
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)161-169
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 26 maj 2010

ID: 242208282