Ancient DNA reveals genetic admixture in China during tiger evolution

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  • Yue Chen Liu
  • Mikhail P. Tiunov
  • Dmitry O. Gimranov
  • Yan Zhuang
  • Yu Han
  • Carlos A. Driscoll
  • Yuhong Pang
  • Chunmei Li
  • Yan Pan
  • Rui Zheng Yang
  • Bao Guo Li
  • Kun Jin
  • Xiao Xu
  • Olga Uphyrkina
  • Yanyi Huang
  • Xiao Hong Wu
  • Stephen J. O’Brien
  • Nobuyuki Yamaguchi
  • Shu-Jin Luo

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a charismatic megafauna species that originated and diversified in Asia and probably experienced population contraction and expansion during the Pleistocene, resulting in low genetic diversity of modern tigers. However, little is known about patterns of genomic diversity in ancient populations. Here we generated whole-genome sequences from ancient or historical (100–10,000 yr old) specimens collected across mainland Asia, including a 10,600-yr-old Russian Far East specimen (RUSA21, 8× coverage) plus six ancient mitogenomes, 14 South China tigers (0.1–12×) and three Caspian tigers (4–8×). Admixture analysis showed that RUSA21 clustered within modern Northeast Asian phylogroups and partially derived from an extinct Late Pleistocene lineage. While some of the 8,000–10,000-yr-old Russian Far East mitogenomes are basal to all tigers, one 2,000-yr-old specimen resembles present Amur tigers. Phylogenomic analyses suggested that the Caspian tiger probably dispersed from an ancestral Northeast Asian population and experienced gene flow from southern Bengal tigers. Lastly, genome-wide monophyly supported the South China tiger as a distinct subspecies, albeit with mitochondrial paraphyly, hence resolving its longstanding taxonomic controversy. The distribution of mitochondrial haplogroups corroborated by biogeographical modelling suggested that Southwest China was a Late Pleistocene refugium for a relic basal lineage. As suitable habitat returned, admixture between divergent lineages of South China tigers took place in Eastern China, promoting the evolution of other northern subspecies. Altogether, our analysis of ancient genomes sheds light on the evolutionary history of tigers and supports the existence of nine modern subspecies.

TidsskriftNature Ecology and Evolution
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)1914-1929
Antal sider29
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
All samples were recruited in compliance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) through permissions issued to the School of Life Sciences (PI: S.-J.L.), Peking University, by the State Forestry Administration of China. We thank all the collaborators, institutes and zoos that provided the specimens listed in Supplementary Table upon which this study is based. Special thanks are given to the following people who provided important help during various stages of the project: X. Zhou, L. Liao, J. Wu, C. Feng, S. Xiang, Y. Shen, C. Xie, L. Zhang, Y. Chen, F. Tang, E. Cappellini, M. Mackie, L. Miao, X. Hu, J. Huang, H. Yu, H. Meng, Q. Fu, E. Hoeger, M. Surovy, N. Duncan, S. Ketelsen, M.-D. Wandhammer, V. Rakotondrahaja, A. Abramov, I. Y. Pavlinov, E. I. Zholnerovskaya, N. V. Lopatina, X. Gu, H. Gu, D. Miquelle and D. Smith. We also pay tribute to the late U. Seal and P. Jackson for their dedication to tiger conservation and pioneer effort in assembling voucher specimens for genetic study. This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (SQ2022YFF0802300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC32070598) and the Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences. M.P.T. conducted the research within the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (theme No. 121031000153-7).

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© 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.

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