Analysis of activated GAPs and GEFs in cell lysates

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  • Rafael García-Mata
  • Wennerberg, Krister
  • William T Arthur
  • Nicole K Noren
  • Shawn M Ellerbroek
  • Keith Burridge

An assay was developed that allows the precipitation of the active pools of Rho-GEFs, Rho-GAPs, or effectors from cell or tissue lysates. This assay can be used to identify GEFs, GAPs, and effectors involved in specific cellular pathways to determine their GTPase specificity and to monitor the temporal activation of GEFs and GAPs in response to upstream signals.

BogserieMethods in Enzymology
Sider (fra-til)425-37
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2006
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 199432674