Allergen immunotherapy for IgE-mediated food allergy: Protocol for a systematic review

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  • Sangeeta Dhami
  • Ulugbek Nurmatov
  • Giovanni Battista Pajno
  • Montserrat Fernandez-Rivas
  • Antonella Muraro
  • Graham Roberts
  • Cezmi Akdis
  • Montserrat Alvaro-Lozano
  • Kirsten Beyer
  • Carsten Bindslev-Jensen
  • Wesley Burks
  • George Du Toit
  • Motohiro Ebisawa
  • Philippe Eigenmann
  • Edward Knol
  • Mika Makela
  • Kari Christine Nadeau
  • Liam O'Mahony
  • Nikolaos Papadopoulos
  • Cansin Sackesen
  • Hugh Sampson
  • Alexandra Santos
  • Ronald Van Ree
  • Frans Timmermans
  • Aziz Sheikh

Background: The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is in the process of developing the EAACI Guidelines for Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT) for IgE-mediated food allergy. We seek to critically assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and safety of AIT in IgE-mediated food allergy. Methods: We will undertake a systematic review, which will involve searching international biomedical databases for published, in progress and unpublished evidence. Studies will be independently screened against pre-defined eligibility criteria and critically appraised using established instruments. Data will be descriptively and, if possible and appropriate, quantitatively synthesised. Discussion: The findings from this review will be used to inform the development of recommendations for EAACI's Guidelines on AIT.

TidsskriftClinical and Translational Allergy
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 5 jul. 2016

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
S. Dhami: support to undertake the systematic review; U. Nurmatov: support to undertake the review; Giovanni Pajno: none; Montserrat Fernandez‑Rivas: Participation in immunotherapy clinical trials sponsored by ALK‑Abello; A. Muraro: Acting in consulting capacity for ALK, Meda Pharma, Nestle, Nutricia, Novartis. Grants from: Nestlé: Co‑investigator for research protocol, Nutricia: Co‑investigator for research protocols; G. Roberts: Materials for research programme (ALK‑Abello), research grant (ALK‑Abello), advisory board (ALK‑ Abello), speaker (Allergy Therapeutics, ALK‑Abelo); C. Akdis: consulting fee Novartis, Boehringer‑Ingelheim; stocks Davos Diagnostics, Allimentary Health Pharma Davos; research grant Novartis, Allergopharma; M. Alvaro‑Lozano: none; K. Beyer: European Union, German Research Foundation,Berliner Sparkasse, Danone, ThermoFisher Diagnostics, Foundation for the Treatment of Peanut Allergy, author of A European perspective on immunotherapy for food allergies; C. Bindslev‑Jensen: Grant from Hal Allergy. Consultancy for Hal Allergy; W Burks: none; G. du Toit: Equity in the FoodMaestro Application. Grants supporting the LEAP Study paid to Kings College, London. Author of the 2015 NEJM LEAP Study manuscripts that do not primarily deal with immunotherapy; M. Ebisawa: none; P. Eigenmann: Grants from LETI, Nestlé, ThermoFisher2, Consulting fee or honorarium from Danone, Novartis, ALK,DBV technologies, Stallergenes, Allergopharma; Edward Knol: Research grant for analysis modified peanut and cows milk allergens from HAL Allergy, Numico research. Consultancy fee from HAL Allergy, advice on peanut allergens; M. Makela: not known; K. Christine Nadeau: none; L. O’Mahony: Consultancy to Alimentary Health Ltd, a probiotic company; N. Papado‑ poulos: Grant from GSK, NESTLE, MERCK. Consulting fee from GSK, ABBVIE, Novartis, Menarini, Meda, AlK‑ABELLO, Allergopharma, Uriach, Stallergenes. Payment for development of educational presentations for Abbvie, Sanofi, Menarini & Meda; L. Poulsen: Grants for Clinical trials in collaboration with ALK, Stallergenes, BioMay, and Anergis; C. Sackesen: Funding from MSD to support laboratory tests for the study ‘Effects of the montelukast therapy on asthma and allergic inflammation in children with food allergy’; H. Sampson: received grants or other research support from NIAID; National Institutes of Health, published an editorial accompanying LEAP study publication; A. Santos: none; R. van Ree: Consultancy for HAL Allergy; F. Timmermans: none with respect to this study; A. Sheikh: support to co‑ordinate the undertaking of the systematic review and development of the guidelines.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Dhami et al.

ID: 311565809