ACUMEN DELIVERABLE D5.4b – Consequences of Indicators: using indicators on data from Google Scholar

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


We investigate if Publish or Perish ready-to-use bibliometric indicators can be used by individual scholars to enrich their curriculum vitae. Selected indicators were tested in four different fields and across 5 different academic seniorities. The results show performance in bibliometric evaluation is highly individual and using indicators as “benchmarks” unwise. Further the simple calculation of cites per publication per years-since-first-publication is a more informative indicator than the ready-to-use ones and can also be used to estimate if it is at all worth the scholar’s time to apply indicators to their CV.
Antal sider9
Rekvirerende organEU 7th Framework Programme
StatusUdgivet - 28 feb. 2014

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ID: 124046906