Acquisition and retention of basic life support skills in an untrained population using a personal resuscitation manikin and video self-instruction (VSI)

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  • Anne Møller Nielsen
  • Mikael Johannes Vuokko Henriksen
  • Isbye, Dan Lou
  • Freddy Lippert
  • Lars Simon Rasmussen
  • Freddy Lippert
Video-based self-instruction (VSI) with a 24-min DVD and a personal resuscitation manikin solves some of the barriers associated with traditional basic life support (BLS) courses. No accurate assessment of the actual improvement in skills after attending a VSI course has been determined, and in this study we assess the skill improvement in laypersons undergoing VSI.
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)1156-60
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2010

ID: 34103115