A Suite of Neurophotonic Tools to Underpin the Contribution of Internal Brain States in fMRI

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  • Philipp Mächler
  • Thomas Broggini
  • Celine Mateo
  • Martin Thunemann
  • Natalie Fomin-Thunemann
  • Patrick R Doran
  • Ikbal Sencan
  • Kivilcim Kilic
  • Michèle Desjardins
  • Hana Uhlirova
  • Mohammad A Yaseen
  • David A Boas
  • Andreas A Linninger
  • Massimo Vergassola
  • Xin Yu
  • Laura D Lewis
  • Jonathan R Polimeni
  • Bruce R Rosen
  • Sava Sakadžić
  • Richard B Buxton
  • David Kleinfeld
  • Anna Devor

Recent developments in optical microscopy, applicable for large-scale and longitudinal imaging of cortical activity in behaving animals, open unprecedented opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of neurovascular and neurometabolic coupling during different brain states. Future studies will leverage these tools to deliver foundational knowledge about brain state-dependent regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism as well as regulation as a function of brain maturation and aging. This knowledge is of critical importance to interpret hemodynamic signals observed with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

TidsskriftCurrent Opinion in Biomedical Engineering
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2021

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ID: 261495679