A proteomic atlas of insulin signalling reveals tissue-specific mechanisms of longevity assurance

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  • Luke S Tain
  • Robert Sehlke
  • Chirag Jain
  • Manopriya Chokkalingam
  • Nagarjuna Nagaraj
  • Paul Essers
  • Mark Rassner
  • Sebastian Grönke
  • Jenny Froelich
  • Christoph Dieterich
  • Mann, Matthias
  • Nazif Alic
  • Andreas Beyer
  • Linda Partridge

Lowered activity of the insulin/IGF signalling (IIS) network can ameliorate the effects of ageing in laboratory animals and, possibly, humans. Although transcriptome remodelling in long-lived IIS mutants has been extensively documented, the causal mechanisms contributing to extended lifespan, particularly in specific tissues, remain unclear. We have characterized the proteomes of four key insulin-sensitive tissues in a long-lived Drosophila IIS mutant and control, and detected 44% of the predicted proteome (6,085 proteins). Expression of ribosome-associated proteins in the fat body was reduced in the mutant, with a corresponding, tissue-specific reduction in translation. Expression of mitochondrial electron transport chain proteins in fat body was increased, leading to increased respiration, which was necessary for IIS-mediated lifespan extension, and alone sufficient to mediate it. Proteasomal subunits showed altered expression in IIS mutant gut, and gut-specific over-expression of the RPN6 proteasomal subunit, was sufficient to increase proteasomal activity and extend lifespan, whilst inhibition of proteasome activity abolished IIS-mediated longevity. Our study thus uncovered strikingly tissue-specific responses of cellular processes to lowered IIS acting in concert to ameliorate ageing.

TidsskriftMolecular Systems Biology
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)939
StatusUdgivet - 15 sep. 2017
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 184292831