A prognostic model for soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall based on size, vascular invasion, necrosis, and growth pattern

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  • Ana Carneiro
  • Par-Ola Bendahl
  • Jacob Engellau
  • Henryk A Domanski
  • Christopher D Fletcher
  • Pehr Rissler
  • Anders Rydholm
  • Nilbert, Mef Christina
BACKGROUND:: In soft tissue sarcoma, better distinction of high-risk and low-risk patients is needed to individualize treatment and improve survival. Prognostic systems used in clinical practice identify high-risk patients based on various factors, including age, tumor size and depth, histological type, necrosis, and grade. METHODS:: Whole-tumor sections from 239 soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities were reviewed for the following prognostic factors: size, vascular invasion, necrosis, and growth pattern. A new prognostic model, referred to as SING (Size, Invasion, Necrosis, Growth), was established and compared with other clinically applied systems. RESULTS:: Size, vascular invasion, necrosis, and peripheral tumor growth pattern provided independent prognostic information with hazard ratios of 2.2-2.6 for development of metastases in multivariate analysis. When these factors were combined into the prognostic model SING, high risk of metastasis was predicted with a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 85%. Moreover, the prognostic performance of SING compared favorably with other widely used systems. CONCLUSIONS:: SING represents a promising prognostic model, and vascular invasion and tumor growth pattern should be considered in soft tissue sarcoma prognostication. Cancer 2010. © 2010 American Cancer Society.
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)1279-87
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2011

Bibliografisk note

Copyright © 2010 American Cancer Society.

ID: 40183134