A paleolithic diet with and without combined aerobic and resistance exercise increases functional brain responses and hippocampal volume in subjects with type 2 diabetes

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Type 2 diabetes is associated with impaired episodic memory functions and increased risk of different dementing disorders. Diet and exercise may potentially reverse these impairments. In this study, sedentary individuals with type 2 diabetes treated by lifestyle ± metformin were randomized to a Paleolithic diet (PD, n = 12) with and without high intensity exercise (PDEX, n = 12) for 12 weeks. Episodic memory function, associated functional brain responses and hippocampal gray matter volume was measured by magnetic resonance imaging. A matched, but not randomized, non-interventional group was included as a reference (n = 6). The PD included a high intake of unsaturated fatty acids and protein, and excluded the intake of dairy products, grains, refined sugar and salt. The exercise intervention consisted of 180 min of supervised aerobic and resistance exercise per week. Both interventions induced a significant weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity and increased peak oxygen uptake without any significant group differences. Furthermore, both interventions were associated with increased functional brain responses within the right anterior hippocampus, right inferior occipital gyrus and increased volume of the right posterior hippocampus. There were no changes in memory performance. We conclude that life-style modification may improve neuronal plasticity in brain areas linked to cognitive function in type 2 diabetes. Putative long-term effects on cognitive functions including decreased risk of dementing disorders await further studies. Clinical trials registration number: Clinicaltrials. gov NCT01513798.

TidsskriftFrontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Udgave nummerDEC
StatusUdgivet - 4 dec. 2017

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank Micael Andersson and Anders Lundquist (Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Umeå University) for help with analysis of fMRI data. Research nurses Inger Arnesjö, Katarina Iselid, Lena Uddståhl, and Camilla Ring (Clinical Research Centre, Umeå University) for skilfully conducting clinical measurements. We also thank dieticians Maria Waling and Anna Tellström (Department of Food and Nutrition, Umeå University) for the diet interventions and Michael Svensson and Andreas Isaksson (Sports Medicine Unit, Umeå University) for the exercise intervention. Part of this data was published in AS thesis (Stomby, 2015) and as the abstract "Increased Hippocampal Activity after a Lifestyle Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes-Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor As a Potential Mediator" at the Endocrine Society's annual conference 2016, Boston, MA, USA. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation (20120450), King Gustav V and Queen Victoria's Foundation, The Swedish Diabetes Research Foundation (2014-096), the County Council of Västerbotten (VLL-460481), Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation and Umeå University, Sweden.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Stomby, Otten, Ryberg, Nyberg, Olsson and Boraxbekk.

ID: 332186428