A computational approach to the description of individual immune responses. IgE and IgG-subclass allergen-specific antibodies formed during immunotherapy

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Detailed evaluation of the IgE and IgG-subclass immune response during immunotherapy can now be performed by crossed radio immunoelectrophoresis (CRIE). Some new concepts are introduced facilitating the handling of the vast amount of data obtained by quantitating the immune response. These concepts are "distance" between antibody responses and "immune response width". The 20 patients included in this study were pollen-allergic patients who underwent specific immunotherapy in a 3-year prospective study. It was found that the immune response during immunotherapy was restricted to IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies. The semi-quantitative CRIE analysis correlated with the RAST analysis for the IgE samples before start of immunotherapy, for the IgG1 samples at week 12, and for all the IgG4 samples. During immunotherapy the number of IgG1 antibodies directed to the different antigens increased towards 11 antigens and decreased towards six. For the IgG4 antibodies the number of reactions increased towards 15 antigens and decreased towards four. The increase is generally paralleled by an increase in quantitative immune response as well. For some of the antigens a rise in the IgE antibodies is contrasted by a fall in the IgG4 antibody response, and for other antigens the opposite was true, indicating a regulatory mechanism between the IgE and the IgG4 synthesis. The IgE immune response to a number of antigens, including the major allergens before the start of immunotherapy, was quantitatively diminished during the period of immunotherapy when IgG1 was present early (week 12) in the period, and for other antigens there was a rise in IgE without an early IgG1 antibody response. This suggests that IgG1 can have a regulating influence on the IgE synthesis. Finally, we have found that IgE antibodies with specificities not present in the samples taken before immunotherapy were formed during immunotherapy. These new IgE antibodies do not, however, seem to impair the outcome of treatment.

Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)10-9
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - jan. 1991

ID: 169715402