A careful reassessment of anthracycline use in curable breast cancer

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  • Sara Alsterlind Hurvitz
  • Nicholas P. McAndrew
  • Aditya Bardia
  • Michael F. Press
  • Mark Pegram
  • John P. Crown
  • Peter A. Fasching
  • Ejlertsen, Bent Laursen
  • Eric H. Yang
  • John A. Glaspy
  • Dennis J. Slamon

It has been over three decades since anthracyclines took their place as the standard chemotherapy backbone for breast cancer in the curative setting. Though the efficacy of anthracycline chemotherapy is not debatable, potentially life-threatening and long-term risks accompany this class of agents, leading some to question their widespread use, especially when newer agents with improved therapeutic indices have become available. Critically assessing when to incorporate an anthracycline is made more relevant in an era where molecular classification is enabling not only the development of biologically targeted therapeutics but also is improving the ability to better select those who would benefit from cytotoxic agents. This comprehensive analysis will present the problem of overtreatment in early-stage breast cancer, review evidence supporting the use of anthracyclines in the pre-taxane era, analyze comparative trials evaluating taxanes with or without anthracyclines in biologically unselected and selected patient populations, and explore published work aimed at defining anthracycline-sensitive tumor types.

Tidsskriftnpj Breast Cancer
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider25
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors would like to acknowledge background research assistance from Ryan Ponec, MD; support from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (S.A.H., D.J.S., J.A.G. and N.P.M.), the Marni Levine Memorial Research Award (S.A.H.), USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (M.F.P., NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA014089), the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (M.F.P., BCRF-18-132), Tower Cancer Research Foundation (M.F.P., Jessica M. Berman Senior Investigator Award), and a gift from Dr. Richard Balch (M.F.P.).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s).

ID: 304296307