251st ENMC international workshop: Polyglucosan storage myopathies 13–15 December 2019, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands

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  • Pascal Laforêt
  • Anders Oldfors
  • Edoardo Malfatti
  • Vissing, John
  • Marie Anne Colle
  • Jordi Duran
  • Matthew Gentry
  • Joan Guinovart
  • Thomas Hurley
  • Or Kakhlon
  • Thomas Krag
  • Hal Landy
  • Camilla B. Lilleør
  • Berge Minassian
  • Federico Mingozzi
  • Elaine Murphy
  • Richard Piercy
  • Monique Piraud
  • Vyas Ramanan
  • Mads Stemmerik
  • Christer Thomsen
  • Miguel Weil
  • ENMC 251st workshop study group
TidsskriftNeuromuscular Disorders
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)466-477
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This workshop was made possible by the financial support of the European Neuromuscular center (ENMC) and ENMC main sponsors:

Funding Information:
The organizers are grateful for the valuable support by the ENMC staff especially Managing Director Alexandra Breukel and Operational Manager Annelies Zittersteijn

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