Robin Andersson

Robin Andersson


ORCID:                                      0000-0003-1516-879X

Date of birth:                            1980-12-28

Nationality:                               Swedish



transcriptional regulation, enhancers, promoters, genomics, transcriptomics, machine learning, variant-to-function


Nov 2010          Awarded PhD in Bioinformatics at the Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University, Sweden. PhD supervisors: Prof. Jan Komorowski, Prof. Jan Dumanski and Prof. Claes Wadelius. Research focused on computational analyses of chromatin and chromosomal aberrations. PhD studies resulted in 18 publications in scientific journals.

Jun 2004          Awarded Master of Science in Computer Science, Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Sweden. Main study profile was theoretical Computer Science with a focus on Machine Learning.


Jan 2020 -         Associate professor at Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The lab focuses on computational/statistical modeling of transcriptional regulation with the aim to characterize and better understand the architectures and topologies of transcriptional regulation and the properties and functions of enhancers and promoters.


2015 – 2020     Tenure-track assistant professor at Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2010 – 2015     Postdoctoral research fellow at Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in the group of Prof. Albin Sandelin. Research primarily focused on transcriptional regulation via enhancers and the biogenesis and decay of enhancer RNAs. Research resulted in 22 primary research publications in scientific journals.

2004                Research Assistant at The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University, Sweden. Work mainly focused on development of a functional genomics toolkit for machine learning and creating a new undergraduate course in Artificial Intelligence for Bioinformatics.


>10 graduated MSc students and 4 graduated PhDs from the lab. Current group: 3 PhD students and 4 Postdocs.

2015 – 2022     Lecturer – Genome Sequence Analysis, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Course responsible since 2016.

2019 – 2022     Lecturer – Advanced Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


2022 –              PhD coordinator at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2018 – 2021     Member of BIO-SFU (chair as of September 2019), the strategic research board at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2017 –             Representative of Section for Computational and RNA Biology in the Biocenter Office Committee at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


2016-2023       Member of 4 PhD assessment commitees in Denmark and Sweden.

2015-2023       External referee for H2020 European Research Council, French National Research Agency (ANR), Medical Research Council UK.

In total, referee for >30 manuscripts in scientific journals including: Nature Genetics, EMBO Journal, Genetics, Genome Biology, Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acids Research, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, Nature Communications, Genome Research, Transcription, RNA Biology, BioEssays, Oncogene.


2021 –             Partner in the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Genomic Mechanisms of Disease at Broad Institute (, a Novo Nordisk Foundation bridgehead center between the Broad Institute and Danish researchers investigating the genetics and gene regulation of common complex diseases.

2020 –             Member of ENHPATHY (, an ERC MCSA-ITN bringing together expertise on enhancer biology, epigenomics, bioinformatics and medical genetics to increase scientific knowledge on the molecular basis of human enhanceropathies and to open new diagniostic and therapeutic avenues for patients.

2015 –             Member of FANTOM5 and FANTOM6 consortia (, worldwide collaborative projects aiming at identifying all functional elements in mammalian genomes.


2021 – 2025     Novo Nordisk Foundation Hallas Møller Ascending Investigator 2020 - Functional and topological redundancies in transcriptional regulation. PI: Robin Andersson. Host: University of Copenhagen.

2020 – 2023     Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)-ITN-ETN European Training Network – Molecular basis of human enhanceropathies (ENHPATHY) – a network comprising 15 academic and 12 non-academic European organisations. Coordinator: Salvatore Spicuglia.

2021 –             Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Genomic Mechanisms of Disease at Broad Institute (, a Novo Nordisk Foundation bridgehead center between the Broad Institute and Danish researchers investigating the genetics and gene regulation of common complex diseases. Coordinator: Todd Golub.


Metrics according to Google Scholar as of 2023-06-12:

  • Number of peer-reviewed publications: 60
  • Number of citations: 9935
  • h-index: 37
  • Number of first author publications: 11
  • Number of corresponding author publications: 15

Google Scholar page:


  • Anja Groth, chromatin replication and epigenetic inheritance, University of Copenhagen
  • Joshua Brickman, stem cell biology and enhancer regulation, University of Copenhagen
  • Prof. Jesse Engreitz, enhancer-promoter communication, Stanford University
  • Senior Computational Biologist Thouis Jones, single-cell eQTL analyses, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
  • Prof. Alvaro Rada Iglesias, developmental biology and enhancer regulation, University of Cantabria

ID: 32384007