Pia Ingold

Pia Ingold


Træffetid: Mandage kl. 12:00-13:00

My research focuses on the topic areas of personnel selection and assessment, leadership and social effectiveness. More recently, I have started a line of research on digitalization in human resource management (e.g., blockchain CVs,  leadership intervention apps).

I joined the department from the Work and Organizational Psychology Group of the University of Zurich and look back on more than 12 years of teaching experience at the University including further education courses for leaders.

My research is complemented by practical experiences as consultant on talent management topics (e.g., assessment, training), and I am associate editor of the open-access journal Personnel Assessment and Decisions.

Aktuel forskning

Ongoing research grants

  • Be Attractive and Succeed in the War for Talent? Antecedents and Consequences of Employer Images in Job Ads. Semper Ardens Accelerate Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation 2023-2026. 
  • Understanding Adaptive Leadership: Antecedents and Consequences of Leadership Cognition and Behavior for Situationally-Appropriate Leadership. Swiss National Science Foundation Grant 2023-2025.
  • Enhancing the assessment of personality in personnel selection to predict diverse performance domain. Swiss National Science Foundation Grant 2019-2024.

ID: 288832252