Michael Nebeling Petersen

Michael Nebeling Petersen

Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet


2013, May 3: PhD from Center for Gender Studies, the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. 

2007: Cand. mag. in Danish, Gender and Culture, the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. 

Supplementary education 

2022: Leading Research. University of Copenhagen.

2017: Supervision of PhD students. University of Southern Denmark.

2017: Academic English, University of Southern Denmark.

2016: Lecturer Training Program, University of Southern Denmark.


Dec. 2020- now: Associate Professor, Centre for Gender Sexuality and Diffeence, Department for Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

Aug. 2017- Dec. 2020: Associate Professor, Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark

Jan. 2014 – Aug. 2017: Assistant Professor, Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark

Sep. – Dec. 2013: Lecturer at Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Jan. – Dec. 2013: Lecturer at the Danish Institute for Studies Abroad, Copenhagen.

2009-2013: PhD student at Center for Gender Studies, the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

Prizes and awards

2018: Nominated Lecturer of the year. University of Southern Denmark.

2013: The Kraka Prize for excellent and innovative feminist research for the PhD dissertation Somewhere, Over the Rainbow. Biopolitiske rekonfigurationer af den homoseksuelle figur.

2008: Gold Medal for academic excellence in 2008 for the Masters dissertation Fra barnets tarv til ligestilling - en analyse og vurdering af diskurserne i Folketinget forhandlinger vedrørende lesbiske og enlige kvinders adgang til lægeassisteret kunstig befrugtning i en queerteoretisk optik.

Research leadership

2022-now: Head of the NorS research group Contemporary Cultural Studies.

2021-2025: PI for The Cultural History of AIDS 

2021-now: Co-heads of InterGen - the interdisciplinary network for gender research in the Humanities at University of Copenhagen.

2020-2021: Head of research group Cultures and Affects of Science in Humanities. 

2020-2021: Member of the Forskningsudvalget at the Department for the Study of Culture

Externally funded research grants

2021-2025: PI, The Cultural History of AIDS. Independent Research Fund Denmark. PI: Michael Nebeling Petersen. 

2019-2020: PI, HUM seed grant The Cultural Legacy of AIDS, University of Southern Denmark. PI: Michael Nebeling Petersen. 

2018-2021: Senior researcher in Medicine Man. Media assemblages of medicalized masculinity. Independent Research Fund Denmark. PI: Karen Hvidtfeldt Madsen. 

2018-2020: Partner in Transforming identities: Exploring changes, tensions and visions in the Nordic region. NOS-HS project. PI: Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, University of Stavanger. 

2017-2020: Senior researcher in Ice Age. Entangled Lives, Times, and Ethics in Fertility Preservation. Independent Research Fund Denmark. PI: Charlotte Kroløkke. 

2015-2018: PostDoc/Assis. prof. in New Medias New Intimacies. Independent Research Fund DK. PI: Rikke Andreassen. 

2014-2017: PostDoc/Assis. prof. in Reproductive Medicine and Mobility. SDU2020 project. PI: Charlotte Kroløkke.  


2023-2025: Co-supervisor for PhD student Siri Jonina Egede, Department for Public Health, University of Copenhagen.

2022-2025: Supervision of PhD student Anton Juul, University of Copenhagen.

2021-2024: Co-supervisor for PhD student Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson, University of Iceland

2017-2021: Supervision of PhD student Charlotte Johanne Fabricius, University of Southern Denmark.

2021-now: Supervision of approx. 2 Master students a year,he Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. 

2014-2020: Supervision of approx. 5-12 Master students a year, Cultural Studies, University of Southern Denmark. 

Membership of Boards

2023-now: Member of Advisory Board at Tænketanken Equalis

2020-now: Appointed member of Board for KVINFO by Research Fund Denmark.

2020-now: Member of board and cashier. The National Association of Gender Research in Denmark. 

2012-now: Member of board, co-founder and cashier, LGBT Asylum Denmark. General manager and head of secretariat from 2014-2019.

2017-2019: Member of CIFU, Center for interdisciplinary research and development, University of Southern Denmark

2013-2018: Member of board at Warehouse 9 – Queer art and performance theater, Copenhagen. Head of board from 2016-2018.

2009-2017: Member of board. The National Association of Gender Research in Denmark

2009-2012: Founding member and board member in the Union’s club for PhD students, University of Copenhagen. 

2010-2012: Member of board of research, Department for Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

Journal editorial work

2020-now: Editor-in-Chief of Kvinder, Køn & Forskning.

2017-now: Member of editorial board of the Academic journal Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation

2016-now: Member of editorial board at the Scandinavian Academic Journal for queer studies Lambda Nordica.

2017-2019: National representative and member of board for the Nordic Academic NORA -Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.

2009- 2019: Member of editorial board of the national Academic journal for Gender and Women’s Studies, Kvinder, Køn & Forskning.

International research stays

2019: Visiting fellow at School of Social & Cultural Studies. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. 3 months.

2016: Field work in California at surrogacy agencies. Cooperation with scholars at UC San Diego. 3 months.

2010: Visiting research scholar at Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, City University of New York. 6 months. 

Research evaluation

2022: Member of Evaluation Panel for the evaluation of PhD programme at Gender Studies at Uppsala University.

2021: Member review expert panel, Forte - the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare

2020: Evaluator at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships under Horizon2020.

Academic assessment committees 

2022: Member of Academic assessments committee for position as Førsteamanuensis at the Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning at Bergen University

2022: Member of Academic assessments committee for a position as Lektor at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Uni of Copenhagen. 

2022: Member of Academic assessments committee for a PhD position at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Uni of Copenhagen. 

2021: Member of Academic assessments committee for a PhD position at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Uni of Copenhagen. 

2020: Member of Academic assessments committee for position as førsteamanuensis at NTNU, Trondheim, Norge.

2019: Member of Academic assessments committee for position as docent at Södertörns University, Sweden.

2019: Member of Academic assessments committee for a research assistant in medical humanities at University of Southern Denmark

2019: Member of Academic assessments committee for a post.doc position in Cultural Studies at University of Southern Denmark

2019: Member of Academic assessments committee for a PhD position in Cultural Studies at University of Southern Denmark

2018: Member of Academic assessments committee for a position as Assistant Professor in Cultural encounters at Roskilde University, Denmark 

Assessment committees for PhD students

2022: Member of assessments committee for Elina Nilssons PhD dissertation Thai Surrogate Mothers’ Experiences of Transnational Commerical Surrogacy. Navigating Local Morality and Global Market. Uppsala University, Sweden.

2021: Member of assessments committee for Signe Uldbjerg's PhD dissertaion Rewriting Victimhood: Stories of digital sexual assault, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark.

2019: Member of assessments committee for Sahra-Josephine Hjort’s PhD dissertation Navigating Controversies: A Case Study of Information and Communications Technology and Social Media use among Romanian First-movers and Turkish First-movers and Descendants Living in Denmark. Aalborg University, Denmark.

2018: Chair of assessments committee for Matilde Lykkebo Petersen’s PhD dissertation Ægdonor. Et sanse-etnografisk studie af æg, kroppe og nye slægtskaber. University of Southern Denmark.

2017: Chair of assessments committee for Camilla Bruun Eriksen’s PhD dissertation Populærkulturelle fortællinger om den tykke krop. University of Southern Denmark.



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