Mette Ødegaard Nielsen

Mette Ødegaard Nielsen

Klinisk lektor

Medlem af:

  • Psykiatri

Mette Ødegaard Nielsen
Center for Neuropsychiatric Schizophrenia Research (CNSR),
Psychiatric Center Glostrup

Current position:
Post Doc, CNSR, Psychiatric Center Glostrup
Associate Professor in clinical psychiatry, University of Copenhagen

Academic degrees:
2012 PhD thesis: Reward disturbances in schizophrenia before and after antipsychotic
monotherapy, Faculty of health science, University of Copenhagen 12 of 17
2002 Cand. Med. Faculty of Health Science, University of Copenhagen

Clinical experience:
2002-2008 Internship and first part of education as a specialist in psychiatry
2008-2012 Research assistent and PhD student, Psychiatric Center Glostrup
2012-2014 Continued and finished education as a specialist in psychiatry

Research experience:
MØN played a major role in planning, starting, reqruiting and treating patients in a large multimodal project on first episode schizophrenia patients, PECANS running in the period 2009- 2013.
MØN was the primary person on redesigning and implementing the paradigm used for fMRI reward examination in this project, and has experience in carrying out MRI scans and analyzing MR data.
MØN is currently project coordinator on the long term clinical follow up PECANS project, and clinical supervisor on several other research projects, mainly focusing on schizophrenia patients.

Teaching experience:
MØN has been teaching medical students, nurses, doctors and psychologist. She has teaching experience regarding biological mechanism underlying psychoses, diagnostic interviews, ratings of psychopathology, psychopharmacology, and clinical psychiatry.

Supervising experience:
MØN is supervising medical students and PhD students.

ID: 33977843