Lotte Ruegaard Petersen

Lotte Ruegaard Petersen

I am a PhD student at department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, 
section of Landscape Architecture and Planning.

My PhD project ‘Landscape strategy making in Danish Rural Landscapes: Theoretical and practical developments in collaborative planning for landscapes at a regional scale’is associated with the research and development program ‘Regional Landscapes’, compromising three experimental planning projects in Denmark. The three projects are located in participating municipalities in Jutland (Nørreådalen and Vejle Ådal) and Bornholm (Bornholms Grønne Bølge).

The aim of the PhD is to participate in and investigate collaborative planning processes with the wider goal to contribute to theoretical and practical developments of landscape planning at a regional scale.

The PhD takes point on departure in an interdisciplinary approach, both including landscape-ecological and social research methods and theories, to be able to obtain a holistic understanding of different mechanisms and factors influencing the respective planning projects.

It is an overall task for the PhD project to investigate more effective and relevant ways to promote local capacities and values when planning for future regional landscapes. The investigation will focus on if and how collaborative planning methods and -strategy processes can provide a relevant way to understand the capacity locally to shape and moderate the power of external forces who affect the development of the landscapes.

In this lies an action research approach dealing with a fundamental task for the PhD to analyze and develop democratic conditions and opportunity for local actors (e.g. the primary landscape manager) to participate in and have influence on the collaborative landscape strategy processes.

Finally, the PhD will discuss whether the applied collaborative- and action research methods can deliver a better conceptualization and representation of different dimensions of landscapes and the complexities of their interactions at a regional scale – in order for planners, researchers and citizen-participants to be able to make strategic priorities and carry out local projects that perform a holistic and socio-ecological orientated development of the regional landscape at large.

Please, feel free to contact me on


Supervisor: Lone S. Kristensen

Co-supervisor: Jørgen Primdahl


Planlægning i det åbne land, landskabsforvaltning, multifunktionel arealanvendelse, borgerinddragelse, aktionsforskning.

ID: 227972134