Fridtjof Ronge Gjengset

Fridtjof Ronge Gjengset


I graduated from the University of Oslo 2022 where I did a masters in science education through the teacher education program. My masters was centered around computational physics. As such, I took a wide array of both physics courses (e.g. classical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum physics) and programming courses (e.g. computational physics, machine learning, high performance computing). This culminated in my master thesis where I looked at how Norwegian teachers implemented programming into STEM education. 

I started my PhD at the University of Copenhagen in 2023, where I focus on embodied cognition in STEM teacher education. I’m a member of the physics education research group (KUPER) and SENSES (Science Education Network for Supporting Embodied Sense-Making). In my work I’m always looking for new international collaboration partners and dissemination opportunities.

Primære forskningsområder

The main goal of my PhD is to integrate principles from the theory of embodied cognition into STEM teacher education. To achieve this I’m working on a systematic literature review that aims to chart out how embodied cognition is being used in contemporary k-12 STEM education. To bring the theoretical perspectives from embodied cognition into practice, I’m using a design-based research approach. In this approach, I design interventions centered around embodied cognition in STEM and implement them in teacher education programs at the University of Copenhagen. 


Due to my background in computational physics, I also have an interest in how embodied cognition can help improve computational science education. As such, I also have an interest in computational thinking, computational literacy, and the role of programming in contemporary science education. I believe that insights from embodied cognition can help open up new ways to teach programming and computational concepts in science that are more accessible to students.

Aktuel forskning

I’m currently working on two projects. First, I’m working on a systematic literature review on how embodied cognition is used in k-12 STEM education. In this review, I aim to chart out how embodied cognition is used across grade levels, subject fields, and different interpretations of embodiment. The review started with an initial 2069 articles from the initial search query, which has (at the time of writing) been narrowed down to 207 articles eligible for analysis. I aim to submit this paper sometime in 2024.


Second, I’m working on a design-based research (DBR) project where I focus on turning results from embodied cognition research into teaching interventions in STEM teacher education. This project involves three DBR cycles over three years, with the first cycle already completed.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

  • NNDK20004U - De empirisk eksperimentelle videnskaber 

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