Ellert Þór Jóhannsson

Ellert Þór Jóhannsson


  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    Integrating TEI/XML Text with Semantic Lexicographic Data

    Wills, Tarrin, Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór & Battista, Simonetta, 14 maj 2021, DHN 2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2020: Post-Proceedings of the 5th Conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN 2020). Riga: ceur workshop proceedings, Bind 2865. s. 16-25 10 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  3. Udgivet

    New words in old sources: Additions to the lemma list of a historical scholarly dictionary

    Battista, Simonetta & Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, 2021, Lexicography for inclusion: EURALEX XIX Congress of the European Association for Lexicography. Gavriilidou, Z., Mitits, L. & Kiosses, S. (red.). Komotini, Greece: Democritus University of Thrace, Bind 2. s. 635-642 8 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. 2019
  5. Udgivet

    Reengineering an Online Historical Dictionary for Readers of Specific Texts

    Wills, Tarrin & Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, 1 okt. 2019, Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart lexicography: Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference. Kosem, I. (red.). Brno: Lexical Computing CZ, s. 116-129 16 s. 7. (eLex Conference. Proceedings).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  6. Udgivet

    Integrating analog citations into an online dictionary

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, mar. 2019, Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 4th Conference. Navarretta, C., Agirrezabal, M. & Maegaard, B. (red.). CEUR-WS.org, s. 250-258 8 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 2364).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  7. 2018
  8. Udgivet

    Arfleifð Gróbíans

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, dec. 2018, Þórðargleði slegið upp fyrir Þórð Inga Guðjónsson fimmtugan 3. desember 2018. Reykjavik, s. 27-29 3 s. (Afmælisrit Mettusjóðs).

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  9. Udgivet

    Linking Corpus Data to an Excerpt-based Historical Dictionary

    Wills, Tarrin, Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór & Battista, Simonetta, jul. 2018, Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts 17-21 July 2018, Ljubljana. Čibej, J., Gorjanc, V. & Kosem, I. (red.). EURALEX, s. 979-988 10 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  10. Udgivet

    Um fábjána

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, 2018, Gott skálkaskjól: veitt Gottskálki Jenssyni sextugum 4. apríl 2018. Reykjavik, s. 28-31 4 s. (Afmælisrit Mettusjóðs).

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  11. 2016
  12. Udgivet

    Editing and Presenting Complex Source Material in an Online Dictionary: The Case of ONP

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór & Battista, Simonetta, 2016, Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, 6 – 10 September, 2016. Edited by Tinatin Margalitadze, George Meladze: Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press, s. 117-128 12 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  13. 2015
  14. Udgivet

    Njáls saga's many travels

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, 2015, 66 Manuscripts from the Arnamagnæan Collection. Driscoll, M. J. & Óskarsdóttir, S. (red.). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, s. 71-73 3 s.

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  15. Udgivet

    Njáls sagas mange rejser

    Jóhannsson, Ellert Þór, 2015, 66 håndskrifter fra Arne Magnussons samling. Driscoll, M. & Óskarsdóttir, S. (red.). København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 71-73 3 s.

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