Elionora Peña Lozano

Elionora Peña Lozano


  1. 2024
  2. Accepteret/In press

    Genetic risk score based on obesity-related genes and progression in weight loss after bariatric surgery: a 60-month follow-up study

    Mas-Bermejo, P., Azcona-Granada, N., Peña Lozano, Elionora, Lecube, A., Ciudin, A., Simó, R., Luna, A., Rigla, M., Arenas, C., Caixàs, A. & Rosa, A., 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.

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  3. 2023
  4. Udgivet

    Identification of genetic variants associated with a wide spectrum of phenotypes clinically diagnosed as Sanfilippo and Morquio syndromes using whole genome sequencing

    Gul, Rutaba, Firasat, S., Schubert, Mikkel, Ullah, A., Peña Lozano, Elionora, Thuesen, Anne Cathrine Baun, Gjesing, A. P., Hussain, M., Tufail, M., Saqib, M., Afshan, K. & Hansen, Torben, 2023, I: Frontiers in Genetics. 14, 14 s., 1254909.

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  5. 2022
  6. Udgivet

    Clinical and genetic characterization of patients segregating variants in KPTN, MINPP1, NGLY1, AP4B1, and SON underlying neurodevelopmental disorders: Genetic and phenotypic expansion

    Ullah, A., Shah, A. A., Alluqmani, M., Haider, N., Aman, H., Alfadhli, F., Almatrafi, A. M., Albalawi, A. M., Krishin, J., Ullah Khan, F., Anjam, B. A., Abdullah, Peña Lozano, Elionora, Samad, A., Ahmad, W., Hansen, Torben, Xia, K. & Basit, S., 2022, I: International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 82, 8, s. 788-804

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ID: 284679300