Anders Engberg-Pedersen

Anders Engberg-Pedersen


Curriculum Vitae

Anders Engberg-Pedersen

Madvigs Allé 5, 4th
1829 Frederiksberg                      /                                                                          
Phone: 53440771
b. 1980 in Odense, Denmark
Educational Background 
PhD Comparative Literature, Harvard University / Dr.phil. Neuere deutsche Literatur,
(Summa Cum Laude) Humboldt Universität (cotutelle), February 2012
A.M. Comparative Literature, Harvard University, November 2007
B.A. Comparative Literature (Minor in Cognitive Science), University of Copenhagen, 2004
Additional Studies
Visiting student at Humboldt University, 2009-11
Russian language and literature at the Nevsky Institute in St. Petersburg, summer 2005, 2007
Russian language and literature at Moscow State University, spring 2004
Cognitive Science at University of California San Diego, 2002-3
Current Employment
Postdoc in the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen,
sponsored by the Research Council for Culture and Communication (FKK), 2012-15
Research Interests
18th – 20th-century literature (German, Russian, French), in particular Romanticism and the 19th century novel. Further interests include the poetics of knowledge, literary and cultural theory, continental philosophy and intellectual history, literature and war, the history of science, cartography
Current Research
The sense of tact
“The end” as a figure of thought around 1800

Main Honors and Fellowships
Sapere Aude Young Elite Researcher 2013                                                                     PhD (Harvard)/Dr.phil. (Humboldt), Summa Cum Laude, 2012
The Whiting Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, 2011 (declined).
International PhD Fellowship from the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF), 2009-2012
Thesis advisor of Alice Speri, winner of a Hoopes Prize at Harvard University, 2009
Graduate Society Merit Award/Arthur Lehman Scholarship, 2008.
Susan Anthony Potter Essay Prize, for the best graduate student essay in the field of Comparative Literature at Harvard University, 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, fall 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, spring 2008
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, fall 2007
Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Teaching, spring 2007
GSAS Pre-Dissertation Summer Language Fellowship, 2007
Davis Center Research Travel Grant, 2007
Center for European Studies (CES) Research Travel Grant, 2007
Douglas Dillon Fellowship at Harvard University, 2005-6
Oticon Fund Travel Grant, 2005
Karen and Olga Nybye’s Fund Research Grant, 2005
Presidential Scholar at Harvard University, 2004
Fulbright Scholar, 2004-5
Augustinus Fund Research Grant, 2004
Knud and Dagny Gad Andresens Fund Research Grant, 2004
Oticon Fund Travel Grant, 2004
Anders Månsson’s Fund Research Grant, 2004
Study-Abroad Fellowship from University of Copenhagen, 2002
International Studies Scholarship from University of Copenhagen, 2002
Graduated from the Gymnasium with a 12,1 average, the highest in Denmark, 1999

Danish – native
German, English, Russian, French – substantial fluency
Swedish, Norwegian, Latin – reading proficiency
Italian – basic reading ability

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