Matthias Mann

Matthias Mann

Professor, forskningschef, Professor

  1. 2024
  2. Noncanonical assembly, neddylation and chimeric cullin-RING/RBR ubiquitylation by the 1.8 MDa CUL9 E3 ligase complex

    Horn-Ghetko, D., Hopf, L. V. M., Tripathi-Giesgen, I., Du, J., Kostrhon, S., Vu, D. T., Beier, V., Steigenberger, B., Prabu, J. R., Stier, L., Bruss, E. M., Mann, Matthias, Xiong, Y. & Schulman, B. A., jul. 2024, I: Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 31, 7, s. 1083-1094 12 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Proteomic Characterization of Undifferentiated Small Round Cell Sarcomas With EWSR1 and CIC::DUX4 Translocations Reveals Diverging Tumor Biology and Distinct Diagnostic Markers

    Doll, S., Schweizer, L., Bollwein, C., Steiger, K., Pfarr, N., Walker, M., Wörtler, K., Knebel, C., von Eisenhart-Rothe, R., Hartmann, W., Weichert, W., Mann, Matthias, Kuhn, P. & Specht, K., jul. 2024, I: Modern Pathology. 37, 7, s. 100511

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  4. Udgivet

    Spaceflight on the ISS changed the skeletal muscle proteome of two astronauts

    Murgia, M., Rittweger, J., Reggiani, C., Bottinelli, R., Mann, Matthias, Schiaffino, S. & Narici, M. V., 5 jun. 2024, I: npj Microgravity. 10, 1, s. 60

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  5. Epigenetic control over the cell-intrinsic immune response antagonizes self-renewal in acute myeloid leukemia

    Felipe Fumero, E., Walter, C., Frenz, J. M., Seifert, F., Alla, V., Hennig, T., Angenendt, L., Hartmann, W., Wolf, S., Serve, H., Oellerich, T., Lenz, G., Müller-Tidow, C., Schliemann, C., Huber, O., Dugas, M., Mann, Matthias, Jayavelu, A. K., Mikesch, J. & Arteaga, M. F., 30 maj 2024, I: Blood. 143, 22, s. 2284-2299 16 s.

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  6. Non-canonical substrate recognition by the human WDR26-CTLH E3 ligase regulates prodrug metabolism

    Gottemukkala, K. V., Chrustowicz, J., Sherpa, D., Sepic, S., Vu, D. T., Karayel, Ö., Papadopoulou, E. C., Gross, A., Schorpp, K., von Gronau, S., Hadian, K., Murray, P. J., Mann, Matthias, Schulman, B. A. & Alpi, A. F., 16 maj 2024, I: Molecular Cell. 84, 10, s. 1948-1963.e11

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  7. Udgivet

    Mustn1 is a smooth muscle cell-secreted microprotein that modulates skeletal muscle extracellular matrix composition

    Ducommun, S., Jannig, P. R., Cervenka, I., Murgia, M., Mittenbühler, M. J., Chernogubova, E., Dias, J. M., Jude, B., Correia, J. C., Van Vranken, J. G., Ocana-Santero, G., Porsmyr-Palmertz, M., McCann Haworth, S., Martínez-Redondo, V., Liu, Z., Carlström, M., Mann, M., Lanner, J. T., Teixeira, A. I., Maegdefessel, L. & 2 flere, Spiegelman, B. M. & Ruas, J. L., apr. 2024, I: Molecular Metabolism. 82, s. 101912

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  8. Purification of time-resolved insulin granules reveals proteomic and lipidomic changes during granule aging

    Neukam, M., Sala, P., Brunner, A., Ganß, K., Palladini, A., Grzybek, M., Topcheva, O., Vasiljević, J., Broichhagen, J., Johnsson, K., Kurth, T., Mann, Matthias, Coskun, Ü. & Solimena, M., 26 mar. 2024, I: Cell Reports. 43, 3, s. 113836

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  9. Mitochondrial phosphoproteomes are functionally specialized across tissues

    Hansen, F. M., Kremer, L. S., Karayel, O., Bludau, I., Larsson, N., Kühl, I. & Mann, Matthias, feb. 2024, I: Life Science Alliance. 7, 2

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  10. Multisite phosphorylation dictates selective E2-E3 pairing as revealed by Ubc8/UBE2H-GID/CTLH assemblies

    Chrustowicz, J., Sherpa, D., Li, J., Langlois, C. R., Papadopoulou, E. C., Vu, D. T., Hehl, L. A., Karayel, Ö., Beier, V., von Gronau, S., Müller, J., Prabu, J. R., Mann, Matthias, Kleiger, G., Alpi, A. F. & Schulman, B. A., 18 jan. 2024, I: Molecular Cell. 84, 2, s. 293-308.e14

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  11. IMBAS-MS Discovers Organ-Specific HLA Peptide Patterns in Plasma

    Wahle, M., Thielert, M., Zwiebel, M., Skowronek, P., Zeng, W. & Mann, Matthias, jan. 2024, I: Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 23, 1, s. 100689

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