Sofia Isabel dos Santos Ribeiro

Sofia Isabel dos Santos Ribeiro


  1. 2018
  2. European trading, whaling and climate history of west Greenland documented by historical records, drones and marine sediments

    Mikkelsen, N., Kuijpers, A., dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, Myrup, M., Seiding, I. & Lennert, A. E., 2018, I: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin. 41, s. 67-70 4 s.

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  3. Late Holocene Sea Surface Instabilities in the Disko Bugt Area, West Greenland, in Phase With δ18O Oscillations at Camp Century

    Allan, E., de Vernal, A., Knudsen, M. F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Moros, M., dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, Ouellet-Bernier, M. M. & Seidenkrantz, M. S., 2018, I: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 33, 2, s. 227-243 17 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Spring Succession and Vertical Export of Diatoms and IP25 in a Seasonally Ice-Covered High Arctic Fjord

    Limoges, A., Masse, G., Weckstrom, K., Poulin, M., Ellegaard, Marianne, Heikkila, M., Geilfus, N., Sejr, M. K., Rysgaard, S. & dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, 2018, I: Frontiers in Earth Science. 6, 15 s.

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ID: 345374363