Erin Evelyn Gabriel

Erin Evelyn Gabriel

Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet

  1. 2016
  2. Malaria in HIV-Infected Children Receiving HIV Protease-Inhibitor-Compared with Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Based Antiretroviral Therapy, IMPAACT P1068s, Substudy to P1060

    Hobbs, C. V., Gabriel, E. E., Kamthunzi, P., Tegha, G., Tauzie, J., Petzold, E., Barlow-Mosha, L., Chi, B. H., Li, Y., Ilmet, T., Kirmse, B., Neal, J., Parikh, S., Deygoo, N., Philippe, P. J., Mofenson, L., Prescott, W., Chen, J., Musoke, P., Palumbo, P. & 2 flere, Duffy, P. E. & Borkowsky, W., 9 dec. 2016, I: PLoS ONE. 11, 12, 12 s.

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  3. An Introduction to Principal Surrogate Evaluation with the pseval Package

    Sachs, M. C. & Gabriel, Erin Evelyn, dec. 2016, I: The R Journal. 8, 2, s. 277-292 16 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLederForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Comparing Biomarkers as Trial Level General Surrogates

    Gabriel, Erin Evelyn, Daniels, M. J. & Halloran, M. E., dec. 2016, I: Biometrics. 72, 4, s. 1046-1054 9 s.

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  5. Utilizing direct skin feeding assays for development of vaccines that interrupt malaria transmission: A systematic review of methods and case study

    Brickley, E. B., Coulibaly, M., Gabriel, Erin Evelyn, Healy, S. A., Hume, J. C. C., Sagara, I., Traore, S. F., Doumbo, O. & Duffy, P. E., 21 nov. 2016, I: Vaccine. 34, 48, s. 5863-5870 8 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  6. Safety and Immunogenicityof Pfs25-EPA/Alhydrogel (R) , a Transmission Blocking Vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum: An Open Label Study in Malaria Naive Adults

    Talaat, K. R., Ellis, R. D., Hurd, J., Hentrich, A., Gabriel, E., Hynes, N. A., Rausch, K. M., Zhu, D., Muratova, O., Herrera, R., Anderson, C., Jones, D., Aebig, J., Brockley, S., MacDonald, N. J., Wang, X., Fay, M. P., Healy, S. A., Durbin, A. P., Narum, D. L. & 2 flere, Wu, Y. & Duffy, P. E., 17 okt. 2016, I: PLoS ONE. 11, 10, 17 s.

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  7. Who really gets strep sore throat? Confounding and effect modification of a time-varying exposure on recurrent events

    Follmann, D., Huang, C. & Gabriel, Erin Evelyn, okt. 2016, I: Statistics in Medicine. 35, 24, s. 4398-4412 15 s.

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  8. Augmented trial designs for evaluation of principal surrogates

    Gabriel, Erin Evelyn & Follmann, D., jul. 2016, I: Biostatistics. 17, 3, s. 453-467 14 s.

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  9. Pooled-Peptide Epitope Mapping Strategies Are Efficient and Highly Sensitive: An Evaluation of Methods for Identifying Human T Cell Epitope Specificities in Large-Scale HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trials

    Fiore-Gartland, A., Manso, B. A., Friedrich, D. P., Gabriel, Erin Evelyn, Finak, G., Moodie, Z., Hertz, T., De Rosa, S. C., Frahm, N., Gilbert, P. B. & McElrath, M. J., 10 feb. 2016, I: PLoS ONE. 11, 2, 18 s.

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ID: 291063891