Marianne Ellegaard

Marianne Ellegaard

Ekstern lektor

  1. 2012
  2. Udgivet

    Archaeperidinium saanichi sp. nov. a new species based on morphological variation of cyst and theca within the Archaeperidinium minutum Jörgensen 1912 species complex

    Mertens, K. N., Yamaguchi, A., Kawami, H., dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, Leander, B. S., Price, A. M., Pospelova, V., Ellegaard, Marianne & Matsuoka, K., 2012, I: Marine Micropaleontology. 96–97, s. 48-62 15 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    A review of recent freshwater dinoflagellate cysts: taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and palaeocology

    Mertens, K. N., Rengefors, K., Moestrup, Øjvind & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2012, I: Phycologia. 51, 6, s. 612-619 8 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Climate variability in West Greenland during the past 1500 years: evidence from a high-resolution marine palynological record from Disko Bay

    dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, Moros, M., Ellegaard, Marianne & Kuijpers, A., 2012, I: Boreas. 41, 1, s. 68-83 16 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Reconstructing the history of an invasion: the toxic phytoplankton species Gymnodinium catenatum in the Northeast Atlantic

    dos Santos Ribeiro, Sofia Isabel, Amorim, A., Andersen, Thorbjørn Joest, Abrantes, F. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2012, I: Biological Invasions. 14, 5, s. 969-985 17 s.

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ID: 11694