Charlotte Suppli Ulrik

Charlotte Suppli Ulrik

Klinisk Professor, Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: lungesygdomme

  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    Characteristics of COPD Patients Prescribed ICS Managed in General Practice vs. Secondary Care

    Savran, O., Godtfredsen, Nina, Sørensen, T., Jensen, C. & Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, 2021, I: COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 18, 5, s. 493-500

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  3. Udgivet

    Clean air for healthy lungs - An urgent call to action: European Respiratory Society position on the launch of the WHO 2021 Air Quality Guidelines

    Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic, Gehring, U., De Matteis, S., Melen, E., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Katsouyanni, K., Yorgancioglu, A., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Medina, S., Hansen, K., Powell, P., Ward, B. & Hoffmann, B., 2021, I: The European Respiratory Journal. 58, 6, 2102447.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLederForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Udgivet

    Corticosteroid Resistance in Smokers: A Substudy Analysis of the CORTICO-COP Randomised Controlled Trial

    Sivapalan, P., Bikov, A., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Lapperre, T. S., Mathioudakis, A. G., Lassen, M. C. H., Skaarup, K. G., Biering-Sørensen, Tor, Vestbo, J. & Jensen , Jens-Ulrik Stæhr , 2021, I: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 10, 12, 11 s., 2734.

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  5. Udgivet

    Demographic, lifestyle and comorbid risk factors for all-cause mortality in a Danish cohort of middle-aged adults with incident asthma

    Tupper, O. D., Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic & Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, 2021, I: BMJ Open. 11, 10, 7 s., 049243.

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  6. Udgivet

    Differentiation of COVID-19 signs and symptoms from allergic rhinitis and common cold: An ARIA-EAACI-GA2LEN consensus

    Hagemann, J., Onorato, G. L., Jutel, M., Akdis, C. A., Agache, I., Zuberbier, T., Czarlewski, W., Mullol, J., Bedbrook, A., Bachert, C., Bennoor, K. S., Bergmann, K. C., Braido, F., Camargos, P., Caraballo, L., Cardona, V., Casale, T., Cecchi, L., Chivato, T., Chu, D. K. & 80 flere, Cingi, C., Correia-de-Sousa, J., del Giacco, S., Dokic, D., Dykewicz, M., Ebisawa, M., El-Gamal✝, Y., Emuzyte, R., Fauquert, J. L., Fiocchi, A., Fokkens, W. J., Fonseca, J. A., Gemicioglu, B., Gomez, R. M., Gotua, M., Haahtela, T., Hamelmann, E., Iinuma, T., Ivancevich, J. C., Jassem, E., Kalayci, O., Kardas, P., Khaitov, M., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Larenas-Linnemann, D. E., Lipworth, B., Makris, M., Maspero, J. F., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Mohammad, Y., Montefort, S., Morais-Almeida, M., Mösges, R., Naclerio, R., Neffen, H., Niedoszytko, M., O’Hehir, R. E., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Passalacqua, G., Patella, V., Pereira, A., Pfaar, O., Plavec, D., Popov, T. A., Prokopakis, E. P., Puggioni, F., Raciborski, F., Reijula, J., Regateiro, F. S., Reitsma, S., Romano, A., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Samolinski, B., Sastre, J., Solé, D., Sova, M., Stellato, C., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Tsiligianni, I., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., Vasankari, T., Ventura, M. T., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Williams, S., Yorgancioglu, A., Yusuf, O. M., Zernotti, M., Bousquet, J. & Klimek, L., 2021, I: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 76, 8, s. 2354-2366

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  7. Udgivet

    Effect of 12 mg vs 6 mg of Dexamethasone on the Number of Days Alive Without Life Support in Adults With COVID-19 and Severe Hypoxemia The COVID STEROID 2 Randomized Trial

    Munch, M. W., Myatra, S. N., Vijayaraghavan, B. K. T., Saseedharan, S., Benfield, T., Wahlin, R. R., Rasmussen, B. S., Andreasen, A. S., Poulsen, L. M., Cioccari, L., Khan, M. S., Kapadia, F., Divatia, J. V., Brochner, A. C., Bestle, M. H., Helleberg, M., Michelsen, J., Padmanaban, A., Bose, N., Møller, A. & 59 flere, Borawake, K., Kristiansen, K. T., Shukla, U., Chew, M. S., Dixit, S., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Amin, P. R., Chawla, R., Wamberg, C. A., Shah, M. S., Darfelt, I. S., Jorgensen, V. L., Smitt, M., Granholm, A., Kjær, M. N., Møller, Morten Hylander, Meyhoff, T. S., Vesterlund, G. K., Hammond, N. E., Micallef, S., Bassi, A., John, O., Jha, A., Cronhjort, M., Jakob, S. M., Gluud, C., Lange, Theis, Kadam, V., Marcussen, Klaus Vennick, Hollenberg, J., Hedman, A., Nielsen, H., Schjorring, O. L., Jensen, M. Q., Leistner, J. W., Jonassen, T. B., Kristensen, C. M., Clapp, E. C., Hjortso, C. J. S., Jensen, T. S., Halstad, L. S., Bak, E. R. B., Zaabalawi, R., Metcalf-Clausen, M., Abdi, S., Hatley, E. V., Aksnes, T. S., Gleipner-Andersen, E., Alarcon, A. F., Yamin, G., Heymowski, A., Berggren, A., La Cour, K., Weihe, S., Pind, A. H., Engstrom, J., Jha, V., Venkatesh, B. & Perner, Anders, 2021, I: J A M A: The Journal of the American Medical Association. 326, 18, s. 1807-1817 11 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Effect of different corticosteroid regimes for hospitalised patients with exacerbated COPD: pooled analysis of individual participant data from the REDUCE and CORTICO-COP trials

    Sivapalan, P., Rutishauser, J., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Leuppi, J. D., Pedersen, L., Mueller, B., Eklof, J., Biering-Sørensen, Tor, Gottlieb, V., Armbruster, K., Janner, J., Moberg, M., Lapperre, T. S., Nielsen, T. L., Browatzki, A., Mathioudakis, A., Vestbo, J., Schuetz, P. & Jensen , Jens-Ulrik Stæhr , 2021, I: Respiratory research. 22, 1, 9 s., 155.

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  9. Udgivet

    Effect of high or low-medium accumulated dose regimes of systemic corticosteroids for hospitalised patients with exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: pooled analysis of individual participant data from the REDUCE and CORTICO-COP trials

    Sivapalan, P., Rutishauser, J., Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Leuppi, J. D., Pedersen, L., Mueller, B., Eklof, J., Biering-Sørensen, Tor, Gottlieb, V., Armbruster, K., Janner, Julie Hjortsø, Moberg, Mia Skodshøj, Lapperre, T. S., Nielsen, T. L., Browatzki, A., Mathiousdakis, A., Vestbo, J., Schuetz, P. & Jensen , Jens-Ulrik Stæhr , 2021, I: European Respiratory Journal. Supplement. 58, Suppl. 65, , 3 s., OA2946.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskning

  10. Udgivet

    Efficacy of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with severe asthma

    Madsen, H., Henriksen, D. P., Backer, Vibeke, Siersted, H. C., Bjerring, N. & Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, 2021, I: Journal of Asthma. 58, 2, s. 216-222

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  11. Udgivet

    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide as a determinant for the clinical course of asthma: a systematic review

    Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli, Lange, Peter & Hilberg, O., 2021, I: European Clinical Respiratory Journal. 8, 1, 13 s., 1891725.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

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