Vilhelm Bohr

Vilhelm Bohr

Adjungeret professor

  1. 2014
  2. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate inhibits DNA replication leading to hyperPARylation, SIRT1 attenuation, and mitochondrial dysfunction in the testis

    Li, X., Fang, E. F., Scheibye-Knudsen, Morten, Cui, H., Qiu, L., Li, J., He, Y., Huang, J., Bohr, Vilhelm, Ng, T. B. & Guo, H., 2014, I: Scientific Reports. 4, 6434.

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  3. 2013
  4. Udgivet

    Relationships between human vitality and mitochondrial respiratory parameters, reactive oxygen species production and dNTP levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

    Maynard, S., Keijzers, G., Gram, M., Desler, Claus, Bendix, L., Budtz-Joergensen, Esben, Molbo, Drude, Croteau, D. L., Osler, Merete, Stevnsner, T. V., Rasmussen, Lene Juel, Dela, Flemming, Avlund, K. & Bohr, Vilhelm, 30 nov. 2013, I: Aging. s. 850-864 15 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    DNA damage response, bioenergetics, and neurological disease: the challenge of maintaining brain health in an aging human population

    Rasmussen, Lene Juel, Shiloh, Y., Bergersen, L. H., Sander, M., Bohr, Vilhelm & Tønjum, T., okt. 2013, I: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 134, 10, s. 427-33 7 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Modulation of DNA base excision repair during neuronal differentiation

    Sykora, P., Yang, J., Ferrarelli, L. K., Tian, J., Tadokoro, T., Kulkarni, A., Weissman, L., Keijzers, G., Wilson, D. M., Mattson, M. P. & Bohr, Vilhelm, jul. 2013, I: Neurobiology of Aging. 34, 7, s. 1717-27 11 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Bohr på ny

    Bohr, Vilhelm, Bohr, T., Topsøe, H., Bruun, L., Knudsen, H., Nielsen, H., Aaserud, Finn, Grandin, K., von Bülow, H., Kragh, H., Andersen, Anja C., Mølmer, K., Favrholdt, D., Faye, J. & Zinkernagel, H., 2 maj 2013, København: Forlaget Epsilon.Dk.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogFormidling

  8. Udgivet

    A Small Molecule Inhibitor of the BLM Helicase Modulates Chromosome Stability in Human Cells

    Nguyen, G. H., Dexheimer, T. S., Rosenthal, A. S., Chu, W. K., Singh, D. K., Mosedale, G., Bachrati, C. Z., Schultz, L., Sakurai, M., Savitsky, P., Abu, M., McHugh, P. J., Bohr, Vilhelm, Harris, C. C., Jadhav, A., Gileadi, O., Maloney, D. J., Simeonov, A. & Hickson, Ian David, 24 jan. 2013, I: Chemistry & Biology. 20, 1, s. 55-62 8 s.

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  9. 2012
  10. Udgivet

    The helicase and ATPase activities of RECQL4 are compromised by mutations reported in three human patients

    Jensen, M. B., Dunn, C. A., Keijzers, G., Kulikowicz, T., Rasmussen, Lene Juel, Croteau, D. L. & Bohr, Vilhelm, nov. 2012, I: Aging. 4, 11, s. 790-802 13 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Cockayne syndrome group B protein prevents the accumulation of damaged mitochondria by promoting mitochondrial autophagy

    Scheibye-Knudsen, M., Ramamoorthy, M., Sykora, P., Maynard, S., Lin, P., Minor, R. K., Wilson, D. M., Cooper, M., Spencer, R., de Cabo, R., Croteau, D. L. & Bohr, Vilhelm, apr. 2012, I: The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 209, 4, s. 855-69 15 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    14-3-3 checkpoint regulatory proteins interact specifically with DNA repair protein human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) via a semi-conserved motif

    Andersen, S. D., Keijzers, G., Rampakakis, E., Engels, K., Luhn, P., El-Shemerly, M., Nielsen, Finn Cilius, Du, Y., May, A., Bohr, Vilhelm, Ferrari, S., Zannis-Hadjopoulos, M., Fu, H. & Rasmussen, Lene Juel, mar. 2012, I: D N A Repair. 11, 3, s. 267-77 11 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    RECQL4 localizes to mitochondria and preserves mitochondrial DNA integrity

    Croteau, D. L., Rossi, M. L., Canugovi, C., Tian, J., Sykora, P., Ramamoorthy, M., Wang, Z. M., Singh, D. K., Akbari, M., Kasiviswanathan, R., Copeland, W. C. & Bohr, Vilhelm, 2012, I: Aging Cell. 11, 3, s. 456-66 11 s.

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