Neil David Burgess

Neil David Burgess

Professor, Adjungeret professor

Medlem af:

    1. 2016
    2. Udgivet

      From local scenarios to national maps: a participatory framework for envisioning the future of Tanzania

      Capitani, C., Mukama, K., Mbilinyi, B., Malugu, I. O., Munishi, P. K. T., Burgess, Neil David, Platts, P. J., Sallu, S. M. & Marchant, R., 2016, I: Ecology and Society. 21, 3, 33 s., 4.

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    3. Udgivet

      Reconciling biodiversity indicators to guide understanding and action

      Hill, S. L. L., Harfoot, M., Purvis, A., Purves, D. W., Collen, B., Newbold, T., Burgess, Neil David & Mace, G. M., 2016, I: Conservation Letters. 9, 6, s. 405-412 8 s.

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    4. Udgivet

      Status and trends in global ecosystem services and natural capital: assessing progress toward Aichi Biodiversity Target 14

      Shepherd, E., Milner-Gulland, E. J., Knight, A. T., Ling, M. A., Darrah, S., van Soesbergen, A. & Burgess, Neil David, 2016, I: Conservation Letters. 9, 6, s. 429-437 9 s.

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    5. Udgivet

      Will current conservation responses save the Critically Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis?

      Havmøller, Rasmus Worsøe, Payne, J., Ramono, W., Ellis, S., Yoganand, K., Long, B., Dinerstein, E., Williams, A. C., Putra, R. H., Gawi, J., Talukdar, B. K. & Burgess, Neil David, 2016, I: Oryx. 50, 2, s. 355-359 5 s.

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    6. 2015
    7. Udgivet

      Assessing climate change impacts for vertebrate fauna across the West African protected area network using regionally appropriate climate projections

      Baker, D. J., Hartley, A. J., Burgess, Neil David, Butchart, S. H. M., Carr, J. A., Smith, R. J., Belle, E. & Willis, S. G., 2015, I: Diversity and Distributions. 21, 9, s. 991-1003 13 s.

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    8. Udgivet

      Changes in protected area management effectiveness over time: a global analysis

      Geldmann, Jonas, Coad, L., Barnes, M., Craigie, I. D., Hockings, M., Knights, K., Leverington, F., Cuadros, I. C., Zamora, C., Woodley, S. & Burgess, Neil David, 2015, I: Biological Conservation. 191, s. 692-699 8 s.

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    9. Udgivet

      Exploring stakeholder perceptions of conservation outcomes from alternative income generating activities in Tanzanian villages adjacent to Eastern Arc Mountain forests

      Sainsbury, K., Burgess, Neil David, Sabuni, F., Howe, C., Puis, E., Killenga, R. & Milner-Gulland, E. J., 2015, I: Biological Conservation. 191, s. 20-28 9 s.

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    10. Udgivet

      Impacts of community-based natural resource management on wealth, food security and child health in Tanzania

      Pailler, S., Naidoo, R., Burgess, Neil David, Freeman, O. E. & Fisher, B., 2015, I: PLoS ONE. 10, 7, 22 s., e0133252.

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    11. Udgivet

      Measuring impact of protected area management interventions: current and future use of the Global Database of Protected Area Management Effectiveness

      Coad, L., Leverington, F., Knights, K., Geldmann, Jonas, Eassom, A., Kapos, V., Kingston, N., de Lima, M., Zamora, C., Cuardros, I., Nolte, C., Burgess, Neil David & Hockings, M., 2015, I: Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions B. Biological Sciences. 370, 1681, 20140281.

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    12. Udgivet

      Red list assessments of East African chameleons: a case study of why we need experts

      Hjarding, A., Tolley, K. A. & Burgess, Neil David, 2015, I: Oryx. 49, 4, s. 652-658 7 s.

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