Niels Obel

Niels Obel

Klinisk Professor, Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: infektionsmedicin

  1. 2017
  2. Udgivet

    Incidence, presentation and outcome of toxoplasmosis in HIV infected in the combination antiretroviral therapy era

    Martin-Iguacel, R., Ahlström, M. G., Touma, M., Engsig, F. N., Stærke, N. B., Stærkind, M., Obel, Niels & Rasmussen, L. D., sep. 2017, I: Journal of Infection. 75, 3, s. 263-273 11 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies

    Trickey, A., May, M. T., Vehreschild, J. J., Obel, N., Gill, M. J., Crane, H. M., Boesecke, C., Patterson, S., Grabar, S., Cazanave, C., Cavassini, M., Shepherd, L., Monforte, A. D. A., van Sighem, A., Saag, M., Lampe, F., Hernando, V., Montero, M., Zangerle, R., Justice, A. C. & 4 flere, Sterling, T., Ingle, S. M., Sterne, J. A. C. & The Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration, T. A. T. C. C., 1 aug. 2017, I: The Lancet HIV. 4, 8, s. e349-e356

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  4. Udgivet

    Incidence, clinical presentation, and outcome of HIV-1-associated cryptococcal meningitis during the highly active antiretroviral therapy era: a nationwide cohort study

    Touma, M., Rasmussen, L. D., Martin-Iguacel, R., Engsig, F. N., Stærke, N. B., Stærkind, M., Obel, Niels & Ahlström, M. G., jul. 2017, I: Clinical Epidemiology. 9, s. 385-392 8 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Changes in RANKL during the first two years after cART initiation in HIV-infected cART naïve adults

    Mathiesen, I. H. M., Salem, M., Gerstoft, Jan, Gaardbo, J. C., Obel, Niels, Pedersen, C., Ullum, H., Nielsen, S. D. & Hansen, Ann-Brit Eg, 11 apr. 2017, I: B M C Infectious Diseases. 17, 7 s., 262.

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  6. Udgivet

    Higher rates of triple-class virological failure in perinatally HIV-infected teenagers compared with heterosexually infected young adults in Europe

    Judd, A., Lodwick, R., Noguera-Julian, A., Gibb, D. M., Butler, K., Costagliola, D., Sabin, C., van Sighem, A., Ledergerber, B., Torti, C., Mocroft, A., Podzamczer, D., Dorrucci, M., De Wit, S., Obel, N., Dabis, F., Cozzi-Lepri, A., García, F., Brockmeyer, N. H., Warszawski, J. & 13 flere, Gonzalez-Tome, M. I., Mussini, C., Touloumi, G., Zangerle, R., Ghosn, J., Castagna, A., Fätkenheuer, G., Stephan, C., Meyer, L., Campbell, M. A., Chene, G., Phillips, A. & Pursuing Later Treatment Options II (PLATO II) Project Team for the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) in EuroCoord, P. L. T. O. I. (. I. P. T. F. T. C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (. I. E., mar. 2017, I: HIV Medicine. 18, 3, s. 171-180 10 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Reference curves for CD4 T-cell count response to combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected treatment-naïve patients

    Bouteloup, V., Sabin, C., Mocroft, A., Gras, L., Pantazis, N., Le Moing, V., d'Arminio Monforte, A., Mary-Krause, M., Roca, B., Miro, J. M., Battegay, M., Brockmeyer, N., Berenguer, J., Morlat, P., Obel, N., De Wit, S., Fätkenheuer, G., Zangerle, R., Ghosn, J., Pérez-Hoyos, S. & 8 flere, Campbell, M., Prins, M., Chêne, G., Meyer, L., Dorrucci, M., Torti, C., Thiébaut, R. & Standard Reference Distribution of CD4 Response to HAART Project Team for the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) in EuroCoord, S. R. D. O. C. R. T. H. P. T. F. T. C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (. I. E., jan. 2017, I: HIV Medicine. 18, 1, s. 33-44 12 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Risk of diabetes mellitus among patients diagnosed with giant cell arteritis or granulomatosis with polyangiitis: Comparison with the general population

    Faurschou, M., Ahlstrom, M. G., Lindhardsen, J., Obel, Niels & Baslund, B., jan. 2017, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 44, 1, s. 78-83 6 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Use of non-antiretroviral drugs among individuals with and without HIV-infection: a Danish nationwide study

    Rasmussen, L. D., Kronborg, Gitte, Larsen, C. S., Pedersen, C., Gerstoft, Jan, Obel, Niels & Pottegård, A., jan. 2017, I: Infectious diseases (London, England). 49, 1, s. 42-54 13 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Agreement between Estimated and Measured Renal Function in an Everyday Clinical Outpatient Setting of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals

    Ahlström, M. G., Kjær, Andreas, Gerstoft, Jan & Obel, Niels, 2017, I: Nephron. 136, s. 318-327 10 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    CD4 cell count response to first-line combination ART in HIV-2+ patients compared with HIV-1+ patients: a multinational, multicohort European study

    Wittkop, L., Arsandaux, J., Trevino, A., Schim van der Loeff, M., Anderson, J., van Sighem, A., Böni, J., Brun-Vezinet, F., Soriano, V., Boufassa, F., Brockmeyer, N., Calmy, A., Dabis, F., Jarrin, I., Dorrucci, M., Duque, V., Fätkenheuer, G., Zangerle, R., Ferrer, E., Porter, K. & 21 flere, Judd, A., Sipsas, N. V., Lambotte, O., Shepherd, L., Leport, C., Morrison, C., Mussini, C., Obel, Niels, Ruelle, J., Schwarze-Zander, C., Sonnerborg, A., Teira, R., Torti, C., Valadas, E., Colin, C., Friis-Møller, N., Costagliola, D., Thiebaut, R., Chene, G., Matheron, S. & COHERE in EuroCoord and ACHIeV2e Study Group, C. I. E. A. A. S. G., 2017, I: The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 72, 10, s. 2869-2878

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