Antton Alberdi Estibaritz

Antton Alberdi Estibaritz


  1. 2016
  2. Udgivet

    The mitogenome of a 35,000-year-old Homo sapiens from Europe supports a Palaeolithic back-migration to Africa

    Hervella, M., Svensson, E. M., Alberdi, Antton, Günther, T., Izagirre, N., Munters, A. R., Alonso, S., Ioana, M., Ridiche, F., Soficaru, A., Jakobsson, M., Netea, M. G. & de-la-Rua, C., 19 maj 2016, I: Scientific Reports. 6, 5 s., 25501.

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  3. Udgivet

    Fishing technique of long-fingered bats was developed from a primary reaction to disappearing target stimuli

    Aizpurua, O., Alberdi, Antton, Aihartza, J. & Garin, I., 2016, I: P L o S One. 11, 12, 12 s., e0167164.

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  4. 2015
  5. Insight on how fishing bats discern prey and adjust their mechanic and sensorial features during the attack sequence

    Aizpurua, O., Alberdi, Antton, Aihartza, J. & Garin, I., 2015, I: Scientific Reports. 5, 8 s., 12392.

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  6. Living above the treeline: roosting ecology of the alpine bat Plecotus macrobullaris

    Alberdi, Antton, Aihartza, J., Aizpurua, O., Salsamendi, E., Brigham, R. M. & Garin, I., 2015, I: European Journal of Wildlife Research. 61, 1, s. 17-25 9 s.

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  7. Trophic requirements beyond foraging habitats: the importance of prey source habitats in bat conservation

    Arrizabalaga-Escudero, A., Garin, I., García-Mudarra, J. L., Alberdi, Antton, Aihartza, J. & Goiti, U., 2015, I: Biological Conservation. 191, s. 512-519 8 s.

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  8. 2014
  9. Can pinewoods provide habitat for a deciduous forest specialist? a two-scale approach to the habitat selection of Bechstein's bat

    Arrizabalaga-Escudero, A., Napal, M., Aihartza, J., Garin, I., Alberdi, Antton & Salsamendi, E., 2014, I: Mammalian Biology. 79, 2, s. 117-122 6 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Fine-tuned echolocation and capture-flight of Myotis capaccinii when facing different-sized insect and fish prey

    Aizpurua, O., Aihartza, J., Alberdi, Antton, Baagøe, Hans J. & Garin, I., 2014, I: Journal of Experimental Biology. 217, 18, s. 3318-3325 8 s.

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  11. Unveiling the factors shaping the distribution of widely distributed alpine vertebrates, using multi-scale ecological niche modelling of the bat Plecotus macrobullaris

    Alberdi, Antton, Aizpurua, O., Aihartza, J. & Garin, I., 2014, I: Frontiers in Zoology. 11, 13 s., 77.

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  12. 2013
  13. Review on the geographic and elevational distribution of the mountain long-eared bat Plecotus macrobullaris, completed by utilising a specific mist-netting technique

    Alberdi, Antton, Garin, I., Aizpurua Arrieta, Ostaizka & Aihartza, J., 2013, I: Acta Chiropterologica. 15, 2, s. 451-461 11 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  14. 2012
  15. First records of the parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Pyrenees

    Alberdi, Antton, Aihartza, J., Albero, J. C., Aizpurua, O., López-Baucells, A., Freixas, L., Puig, X., Flaquer, C. & Garin, I., 2012, I: Mammalia. 76, 1, s. 109-111 3 s.

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