Matthias Mann

Matthias Mann

Professor, forskningschef, Professor

  1. 2004
  2. HysTag--a novel proteomic quantification tool applied to differential display analysis of membrane proteins from distinct areas of mouse brain

    Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Andersen, J. R., Nielsen, P. A., Nielsen, Michael Lund, Figeys, D., Mann, Matthias & Wisniewski, J. R., jan. 2004, I: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 3, 1, s. 82-92 10 s.

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  3. Improved peptide identification in proteomics by two consecutive stages of mass spectrometric fragmentation

    Olsen, Jesper Velgaard & Mann, Matthias, 2004, I: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 101, 37, s. 13417-22 5 s.

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  4. Trypsin cleaves exclusively C-terminal to arginine and lysine residues

    Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Ong, S. & Mann, Matthias, 2004, I: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 3, 6, s. 608-14 6 s.

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  5. Tyrosine phosphoproteomics of fibroblast growth factor signaling: a role for insulin receptor substrate-4

    Hinsby, A. M., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard & Mann, Matthias, 2004, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279, 45, s. 46438-47 9 s.

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  6. 2003
  7. Integrated analysis of protein composition, tissue diversity, and gene regulation in mouse mitochondria

    Mootha, V. K., Bunkenborg, J., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Hjerrild, M., Wisniewski, J. R., Stahl, E., Bolouri, M. S., Ray, H. N., Sihag, S., Kamal, M., Patterson, N., Lander, E. S. & Mann, Matthias, 2003, I: Cell. 115, 5, s. 629-40 11 s.

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  8. Signaling initiated by overexpression of the fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 investigated by mass spectrometry

    Hinsby, A. M., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Bennett, K. L. & Mann, Matthias, 2003, I: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2, 1, s. 29-36 7 s.

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  9. 2000
  10. A urokinase receptor-associated protein with specific collagen binding properties

    Behrendt, Niels, Jensen, O. N., Engelholm, Lars Henning, Mørtz, E., Mann, Matthias & Danø, K., 2000, I: The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275, 3, s. 1993-2002 10 s.

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  11. 1997
  12. Identification of a novel membrane protein that interacts specifically with the upar-prourokinase complex

    Behrendt, Niels, Engelholm, Lars Henning, Jensen, O. N., Mörtz, E., Ranne, E., Mann, Matthias & Dan, K., 1997, I: Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis. 11, Supl. 3, s. 10 1 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskning

  13. 1996
  14. Udgivet

    Femtomole sequencing of proteins from polyacrylamide gels by nano-electrospray mass spectrometry

    Wilm, M., Shevchenko, A., Houthaeve, T., Breit, S., Schweigerer, L., Fotsis, T. & Mann, Matthias, 1 feb. 1996, I: Nature. 379, 6564, s. 466-9 4 s.

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  15. 1994
  16. Udgivet

    Error-tolerant identification of peptides in sequence databases by peptide sequence tags

    Mann, Matthias & Wilm, M., 15 dec. 1994, I: Analytical Chemistry. 66, 24, s. 4390-9 10 s.

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