Lars K. Poulsen

Lars K. Poulsen

Professor emeritus

Medlem af:

  • Dermato-venerologi

  1. 1994
  2. Udgivet

    Time of onset of action of acrivastine in the skin of pollen‐allergic subjects: A double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled comparative study

    Petersen, L. J., Bindslev‐Jensen, C., Poulsen, Lars K. & Mailing, H. ‐., jan. 1994, I: Allergy. 49, 1, s. 27-30 4 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Food allergy and food intolerance - What is the difference?

    Bindslev-Jensen, C., Skov, P. S., Madsen, F. & Poulsen, Lars K., 1994, I: Annals of Allergy. 72, 4, s. 317-320 4 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    In vitro release of eosinophil proteins in allergic and atopic dermatitis patients

    Poulsen, Lars K., Reimert, C. M. & Bindslev-Jensen, C., 1994, I: Mediators of Inflammation. 3, 3, s. 223-227 5 s.

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  5. 1993
  6. Udgivet

    Measurement of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil protein X/eosinophil derived neurotoxin (EPX/EDN) Time and temperature dependent spontaneous release in vitro demands standardized sample processing

    Reimert, C. M., Poulsen, Lars K., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Kharazmi, A. & Bendtzen, K., 3 dec. 1993, I: Journal of Immunological Methods. 166, 2, s. 183-190 8 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Elimination of viral infection risk from blood samples for allergy testing

    Poulsen, Lars K. & Sørensen, T. B., apr. 1993, I: Allergy. 48, 3, s. 207-208 2 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    IgE levels in cord and capillary blood at 5 days of age

    Hansen, D., Hornnes, P. & Poulsen, Lars K., feb. 1993, I: Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. 4, 1, s. 30-33 4 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Precise area determination of skin-prick tests: Validation of a scanning device and software for a personal computer

    Poulsen, Lars K., Liisberg, C., Bindslev-Jensen, C. & Malling, H. J., 1993, I: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 23, 1, s. 61-68 8 s.

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  10. 1992
  11. Udgivet

    Measurement of antigen-dependent interleukin-4 production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Introduction of an amplification step using ionomycin and phorbol myristate acetate

    Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Hansen, Morten Bagge, Hey, A. S. & Poulsen, Lars K., 8 dec. 1992, I: Journal of Immunological Methods. 156, 2, s. 239-245 7 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    A specific asay for lukotriene B4 in human whole blood

    Fogh, J., Poulsen, Lars K. & Bisgaard, H., dec. 1992, I: Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 28, 4, s. 185-190 6 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    Aeroallergen analyses and their clinical relevance. II. Sampling by high-volume airsampler with immunochemical quantification versus Burkard pollen trap sampling with morphologic quantification

    Johnsen, Claus R., Weeke, E. R., Nielsen, J., Jensen, J., Mosbech, H., Frølund, L., Madsen, F. & Poulsen, Lars K., okt. 1992, I: Allergy. 47, 5, s. 510-6 7 s.

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ID: 923868