Lars Tønder

Lars Tønder

Professor MSO

Medlem af:

  1. 2016
  2. Udgivet

    The Danish Struggle

    Tønder, Lars, 26 feb. 2016

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  3. Udgivet

    "At the Fringes of One´s Consciousness": Kierkegaard, The Idiots, and the Politics of Comic Rule Following

    Tønder, Lars, 2016, Politics, Theory, and Film: Critical Encounters with Lars von Trier. Honig, B. & Marso, L. (red.). N.Y.: Oxford University Press, s. 247-265

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  4. 2015
  5. Udgivet

    The Place of Prejudice: A Case for Reasoning Within the World

    Tønder, Lars, dec. 2015, I: Perspectives on Politics. 13, 04, s. 1138-1139 2 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Fra ét kompleks til ét andet: Institut for Statskundskab mellem 1993 og 2015

    Tønder, Lars, 1 sep. 2015, Statskundskab 1965 - 2015: Københavns University. Bille, L. (red.). København: Forlaget Politiske Studier, s. 337-343 6 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  7. Udgivet

    Political Theory and the Sensorium

    Tønder, Lars, 1 jul. 2015, I: Political Theory.

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  8. Udgivet

    An Invitation from Lars von Trier: First TV Interview since the Cannes Press Conference; with Martin Krasnik, Danish journalist

    Skadhauge, T. & Tønder, Lars, apr. 2015, I: Theory & Event. 18, 2

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  9. Udgivet

    Comic Rules: Kierkegaard, "The Idiots," and the Politics of Dogma 95

    Tønder, Lars, apr. 2015, I: Theory & Event. 18, 2

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  10. Udgivet

    What is important in theorizing tolerance today?

    Brown, W., Dobbernack, J., Modood, T., Newey, G., March, A. F., Tønder, Lars & Forst, R., apr. 2015, I: Contemporary Political Theory. 14, 2, s. 159-196 4.

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  11. Accepteret/In press

    Liberal Democracy after the Danish Cartoon Crisis

    Tønder, Lars, 2015, (Accepteret/In press) I: European Political Science.

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  12. Udgivet

    Seing-being seen: A Response to Green's "The Eyes of the People"

    Tønder, Lars, 2015, I: Democratic THeory: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2, 1, s. 90-95 5 s.

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