Merete Hædersdal

Merete Hædersdal

Klinisk Professor, Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Dermato-venerologi

  1. 2009
  2. Udgivet

    Paradoxical postoperative hyperpigmentation from Q-switched YAG laser treatment of pigmented lesions in children with fair skin types

    Idorn, L. W. & Hædersdal, Merete, 2009, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Supplement. 23, 7, s. 856-857 1 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Photodynamic Therapy for Tumors on the Eyelid Margins

    Togsverd-Bo, K., Hædersdal, Merete & Wulf, H. C., 2009, I: Archives of Dermatology. 145, 8, s. 944-947 3 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses with 8% and 16% methyl aminolaevulinate and home-based daylight exposure: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial

    Wiegell, S. R., Hædersdal, Merete, Eriksen, P. & Wulf, H. C., 2009, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 160, 6, s. 1308-1314 6 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Pulsed dye laser vs. intense pulsed light for port-wine stains: a randomized side-by-side trial with blinded response evaluation

    Faurschou, A., Togsverd-Bo, K., Zachariae, Claus & Hædersdal, Merete, 2009, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 160, 2, s. 359-64 6 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Reduced ultraviolet irradiation delays subsequent squamous cell carcinomas in hairless mice

    Togsverd-Bo, K., Lerche, C. M., Poulsen, T., Hædersdal, Merete & Wulf, H. C., 2009, I: Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine. 25, 6, s. 305-309 5 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Short and limited effect of long-pulsed dye laser alone and in combination with photodynamic therapy for inflammatory rosacea

    Togsverd-Bo, K., Wiegell, S. R., Wulf, H. C. & Hædersdal, Merete, 2009, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 23, 2, s. 200-201 1 s.

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  8. 2008
  9. Udgivet

    Continuous activation of PpIX by daylight is as effective as and less painful than conventional photodynamic therapy for actinic keratoses; a randomized, controlled, single-blinded study

    Wiegell, S. R., Hædersdal, Merete, Philipsen, P. A., Eriksen, P., Enk, C. D. & Wulf, H. C., 2008, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 158, 4, s. 740-746 6 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Evidence-based review of lasers, light sources and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris

    Hædersdal, Merete, Togsverd-Bo, K. & Wulf, H. C., 2008, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 22, 3, s. 267-278 11 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Experimental guinea pig model of dermatophytosis: a simple and useful tool for the evaluation of new diagnostics and antifungals

    Saunte, Ditte Marie, Hasselby, J. P., Brillowska-Dabrowska, A., Frimodt-Moller, N., Svejgaard, E. L., Linnemann, D., Nielsen, S. S., Hædersdal, Merete & Arendrup, M. C., 2008, I: Medical Mycology. 46, 4, s. 303-313 10 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Laboratory-based survey of dermatophyte infections in Denmark over a 10-year period

    Saunte, Ditte Marie, Svejgaard, E. L., Hædersdal, Merete, Frimodt-Møller, N., Jensen, A. M. & Arendrup, Maiken Cavling, 2008, I: Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 88, 6, s. 614-6 3 s.

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ID: 927712