Marianne Ellegaard

Marianne Ellegaard

Ekstern lektor

  1. 2017
  2. Udgivet

    Size differences of Arctic marine protists between two climate periods - using the paleoecological record to assess the importance of within-species trait variation

    Mousing, E. A., Ribeiro, S., Chisholm, C., Kuijpers, A., Moros, M. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2017, I: Ecology and Evolution. 7, 1, s. 3-13 11 s.

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  3. 2016
  4. Udgivet

    Environmental change in the Western Iberia Upwelling Ecosystem since the preindustrial period revealed by dinoflagellate cyst records

    Ribeiro, S., Amorim, A., Abrantes, F. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2016, I: The Holocene. 26, 6, s. 874-889 16 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Long-term survival of haptophyte and prasinophyte resting stages in marine sediment

    Ellegaard, Marianne, Moestrup, Øjvind, Andersen, Thorbjørn Joest & Lundholm, Nina, 2016, I: European Journal of Phycology. 51, 3, s. 328-337 10 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The fascinating diatom frustule—can it play a role for attenuation of UV radiation?

    Ellegaard, Marianne, Lenau, T. A., Lundholm, Nina, Maibohm, C., Friis, S. M. M., Rottwitt, K. & Su, Y., 2016, I: Journal of Applied Phycology. 28, 6, s. 3295-3306 12 s.

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  7. 2015
  8. Udgivet

    Cyst-theca relationship of a new dinoflagellate with a spiny round brown cyst, Protoperidinium lewisiae sp nov., and its comparison to the cyst of Oblea acanthocysta

    Mertens, K. N., Takano, Y., Gu, H., Yamaguchi, A., Pospelova, V., Ellegaard, Marianne & Matsuoka, K., 2015, I: Phycological Research. 63, 2, s. 110-124 15 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Cyst-theca relationships and phylogenetic positions of Peridiniales (Dinophyceae) with two anterior intercalary plates, with description of Archaeperidinium bailongense sp nov and Protoperidinium fuzhouense sp nov.

    Liu, T., Mertens, K. N., Ribeiro, S., Ellegaard, Marianne, Matsuoka, K. & Gu, H., 2015, I: Phycological Research. 63, 2, s. 134-151 18 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Evidence of intensified biogenic silica recycling in the Black Sea after 1970

    Mousing, E. A., Adjou, M. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2015, I: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 164, s. 335-339 5 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Implications for photonic applications of diatom growth and frustule nanostructure changes in response to different light wavelengths

    Su, Y., Lundholm, Nina, Friis, S. M. M. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2015, I: Nano Research. 8, 7, s. 2363-2372 10 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Influence of surface salinity gradient on dinoflagellate cyst community structure, abundance and morphology in the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak

    Sildever, S., Andersen, Thorbjørn Joest, Ribeiro, S. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2015, I: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 155, s. 1-7 7 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    Interference patterns and extinction ratio of the diatom Coscinodiscus granii

    Maibohm, C., Friis, S. M. M., Ellegaard, Marianne & Rottwitt, K., 2015, I: Optics Express. 23, 7, s. 9543-9548 6 s.

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ID: 11694