Lene Terslev

Lene Terslev

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: reumatologi

  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Ultrasound assessment of degenerative muscle sarcopenia: The University of Barcelona ultrasound scoring system for sarcopenia

    Möller Parera, I., Miguel, M., Blasi, J., Piccaso, R., Hammer, H. B., Ortiz-Sagrista, J., Zaottini, F., Martinoli, C. & Terslev, Lene, 2023, I: RMD Open. 9, 1, e002779.

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  3. Udgivet

    Ultrasound-Guided Transcutaneous Injection in the Lacrimal Gland: A Description of Sonoanatomy and Technique

    Larsen, A. C., Møller-Hansen, M., Wiencke, Anne Katrine Riise, Terslev, Lene, Torp-Pedersen, S. & Heegaard, Steffen, 2023, I: Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 39, 4, s. 275-278 4 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Which are the most frequently involved peripheral joints in calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition at imaging? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis by the OMERACT ultrasound – CPPD subgroup

    Adinolfi, A., Sirotti, S., Sakellariou, G., Cipolletta, E., Filippucci, E., Porta, F., Zanetti, A., Ughi, N., Sarzi-Puttini, P., Scirè, C. A., Keen, H., Pineda, C., Terslev, Lene, D’Agostino, M. A. & Filippou, G., 2023, I: Frontiers in Medicine. 10, 18 s., 1131362.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. 2022
  6. Udgivet

    Intra-articular therapies: patient preferences and professional practices in European countries

    de la Torre-Aboki, J., Uson, J., Pitsillidou, I., Vardanyan, V., Nikiphorou, E., Rodriguez-Garcia, S. C., Castellanos-Moreira, R., Pandit, H., O'Neill, T. W., Doherty, M., Boesen, Mikael Ploug, Moller, I., Terslev, Lene, D'Agostino, M. A., Kampen, W. U., Berenbaum, F., Naredo, E. & Carmona, L., maj 2022, I: Rheumatology International. 42, 5, s. 869-878 10 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    A novel fluorescence optical imaging scoring system for hand synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis-validity and agreement with ultrasound

    Ammitzbøll-Danielsen, M., Glinatsi, D., Terslev, Lene & Østergaard, Mikkel, 2022, I: Rheumatology. 61, 2, s. 636-647 12 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Development of a new ultrasound scoring system to evaluate glandular inflammation in Sjögren's syndrome: an OMERACT reliability exercise

    Hočevar, A., Bruyn, G. A., Terslev, L., De Agustin, J. J., MacCarter, D., Chrysidis, S., Collado, P., Dejaco, C., Fana, V., Filippou, G., Finzel, S., Gandjbakhch, F., Hanova, P., Hammenfors, D., Hernandez-Diaz, C., Iagnocco, A., Mortada, M. A., Inanc, N., Naredo, E., Ohrndorf, S. & 10 flere, Perko, N., Schmidt, W. A., Tamborrini, G., Tomšič, M., Chary-Valckenaere, I., Zabotti, A., Keen, H. I., Pineda, C., D'Agostino, M. A. & Jousse-Joulin, S., 2022, I: Rheumatology. 61, 8, s. 3341-3350 10 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Die EFSUMB-Leitlinien und -Empfehlungen für den muskuloskelettalen Ultraschall. Teil I: Extraartikuläre Pathologien

    Fodor, D., Rodriguez-Garcia, S. C., Cantisani, V., Hammer, H. B., Hartung, W., Klauser, A., Martinoli, C., Terslev, L., Alfageme, F., Bong, D., Bueno, A., Collado, P., D'Agostino, M. A., De La Fuente, J., Iohom, G., Kessler, J., Lenghel, M., Malattia, C., Mandl, P., Mendoza-Cembranos, D. & 21 flere, Micu, M., Möller, I., Najm, A., Özçakar, L., Picasso, R., Plagou, A., Sala-Blanch, X., Sconfienza, L. M., Serban, O., Simoni, P., Sudoł-Szopińska, I., Tesch, C., Todorov, P., Uson, J., Vlad, V., Zaottini, F., Bilous, D., Gutiu, R., Pelea, M., Marian, A. & Naredo, E., 2022, I: Ultraschall in der Medizin. 43, 1, s. 34-57

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  10. Udgivet

    Do tender joints in active psoriatic arthritis reflect inflammation assessed by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging?

    Felbo, S. K., Wiell, C., Østergaard, Mikkel, Poggenborg, R. P., Bøyesen, P., Hammer, H. B., Boonen, A., Pedersen, S. J., Sørensen, I. J., gjc556, gjc556, Slot, O., Møller, J. M., Szkudlarek, Marcin & Terslev, Lene, 2022, I: Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 61, 2, s. 723-733 11 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    EULAR points to consider for the use of imaging to guide interventional procedures in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs)

    Dejaco, C., Machado, P. M., Carubbi, F., Bosch, P., Terslev, L., Tamborrini, G., Sconfienza, L. M., Scirè, C. A., Ruetten, S., van Rompay, J., Proft, F., Pitzalis, C., Obradov, M., Moe, R. H., Mascarenhas, V. V., Malattia, C., Klauser, A. S., Kent, A., Jans, L., Hartung, W. & 5 flere, Hammer, H. B., Duftner, C., Balint, P. V., Alunno, A. & Baraliakos, X., 2022, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 81, 6, s. 760-767 8 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Fatigue Is Not Associated With Objective Assessments of Inflammation During Tocilizumab Treatment of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Hammer, H. B., Agular, B. & Terslev, Lene, 2022, I: ACR Open Rheumatology. 4, 3, s. 202-208 7 s.

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